What's I Miss - Where’s the immigration raid equity?
What's I Miss - Where’s the immigration raid equity?
From the Colorado Sun
What's I Miss - Where’s the immigration raid equity?
From the Colorado Sun
Don't give them any ideas.
Uhg, the self-serving know it all liberal who answers their own questions and thinks they're 100% correct is a big part of the unpopularity of Democrats and a huge enabling factor for Trump.
They both agreed that Mexican migration is the largest population migrating... But that point wasn't acknowledged by the liberal, because they had something else to say....
...yep, and the liberal media thinks this comic is a great point in favour of their righteousness - when it's EXACTLY why they lost, and why Republicans become more extreme. They just get so sick of the smug badgering that they just want to troll and annoy the left, to the point they'll vote for Trump and his loose knit-wit antics.
Slow clap for the losers still trying to lose their way out of the losing. Can you at least listen to Bernie talking about how corporations use migration to lower worker wages?
No wonder Trump's popularity with minorities increased. Maybe listen to the working class masses for a change, and accept they don't pay attention to the same barage of identity politics the ivory tower does. Nor do they have the same class interests as that liberal elite.
[EDIT: Mexico makes up 55% of illegal migration. European countries aren't even in the top 10 list of countries of origin. America is a downgrade for most Europeans, that lady's smugness is unearned because if we're going by the stats, India and Asia are the next largest problem areas.]
Fuck them. If they're such children that they're willing to watch the world burn because the side that is looking to help them is smug, they can gargle these nuts and go fuck themselves. I'm done coddling these idiots.
Fuck them. If they’re such children that they’re willing to watch the world burn because the side that is looking to help them is smug, they can gargle these nuts and go fuck themselves. I’m done coddling these idiots.
A comic about THAT would be a lot better!
You'll find lots of people are childish - even when it comes to voting. A large amount of people vote based on the feelings they have towards someone's politics.
You might also want to note that "the majority can gargle on these nuts" doesn't translate well to election results, and may also just be your own form of childishness and basing your politics on your emotional vibe of others (so you're doing the same thing I was just talking about).
They think they're being moral and righteous too, but only one side won the election... And if that's "gargling on your nuts" then pass those nuts over here homie.
Unfortunately that ship has sailed. I'm not here to argue about it, I'm just pointing out that this comic and your comments are the perfect example of why.
The left mistook losing (an election) for winning (a moral victory). They thought politics was something other than WWE, so they didn't put on the right show (they became moral philosophers rather than top rope acrobats). They played it safe . They were correct, but wrong. Which isn't the point and is infact a great way to lose.
First, which continent do you suppose india is on? Second, did you see that continent mentioned in the comic?
The problem the liberals you mention have with the right is their blinders to anything they don't want to acknowledge.
Uhg, the self-serving know it all liberal who answers their own questions and thinks they’re 100% correct is a big part of the unpopularity of Democrats and a huge enabling factor for Trump.
Self-serving applies to almost everyone, especially in politics, that's not a "left" specific trait.
Answering your own questions is annoying in a scenario where the side being asked the question will respond with an actual and coherent answer.
I'm not cherry-picking here, spin up almost any "debate" you'd consider "left vs right" (in the US at least) and consider how much of that is being done in good faith.
They both agreed that Mexican migration is the largest population migrating… But that point wasn’t acknowledged by the liberal, because they had something else to say…
According to your own edit 55% of illegal immigration is from Mexico, so that means 45% of immigration is not from mexico, perhaps the point being made is that if you look in to the percentage of raids per community it's probably not 55% mexican.
That doesn't refute or ignore the mexican percentage being what it is, it points out the apparent disparity in enforcement, which is probably the point.
…yep, and the liberal media thinks this comic is a great point in favour of their righteousness - when it’s EXACTLY why they lost, and why Republicans become more extreme. They just get so sick of the smug badgering that they just want to troll and annoy the left, to the point they’ll vote for Trump and his loose knit-wit antics.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume "they" in "they just get so sick" includes you, i could be wrong however.
Having said that, i don't disagree that not being able to appeal to a larger base was a major contributing factor in why they lost, at least in my opinion.
They lacked a coherent strategy and relied far too much on people understanding that the other side were grifters, a plan which ultimately worked so poorly that you now get elon musk as de-facto president.
But i will also acknowledge the difficulty in appealing to a base of people who include literal neo nazi's, standard bigots, people willing to join an insurrection and pretty much anyone who wholeheartedly subscribes to the current republican regime.
There are people in the middle ground, the (largely white) people systematically left behind by the system over many years.
Unfortunately such people are easy pickings for a groups of grifters with appealing soundbites and a proven track record of either not following through at all, or following through to the detriment of the people they are supposed to be serving.
The systems in place aren't designed to help these people, they are designed to give them just enough hope to keep them working.
Running on a platform of nice sounding lies is easier when you don't actually have to follow through.
If you have to become the party of nice sounding lies to appeal to enough of the voter base to gain power, is that a victory ?
No wonder Trump’s popularity with minorities increased. Maybe listen to the working class masses for a change, and accept they don’t pay attention to the same barage of identity politics the ivory tower does. Nor do they have the same class interests as that liberal elite.
Agreed, though they do in fact have shared interests it's just not apparent from the messaging.
[EDIT: Mexico makes up 55% of illegal migration. European countries aren’t even in the top 10 list of countries of origin. America is a downgrade for most Europeans, that lady’s smugness is unearned because if we’re going by the stats, India and Asia are the next largest problem areas.]
See the first point above.
You've pointed out why the statements made by the lady are correct in both a technical and literal perspective.
If you are seeing smugness here, that's indicative of who you are, for better or worse.