Economist explains why Europeans are getting poorer... and happier.
Economist explains why Europeans are getting poorer... and happier.
Apologies for the previous fuckup. This time the link should be correct.
Economist explains why Europeans are getting poorer... and happier.
Apologies for the previous fuckup. This time the link should be correct.
TLDW: GDP is not a good metric on its own for comparing wealth, you need to account for purchasing power of the currency (PPP).
getting poorer... and happier.
No, they're getting richer at slower peace. Fucking clickbait title
Yeah, we also don't pay $14,000 a year on healthcare, we don't pay that much for other things that are funded collectively here. So I'd say you generally just need more money in the USA to get the same things. And I believe the gap between rich and poor isn't yet as wide as in the USA. So it's more money that the regular person has and it's not just in some bank account of a billionaire.
That depends on the EU country. Contrary to public perception the gap between rich and poor in Germany is about as bad as in the US. Most other EU countries are better on that metric though.
Hi, yeah, been to both to keep it short.
I'm Germany, if you break your leg, you'll be mostly fine financially.
In USA, you could be in debt for years.
The gap isn't that close.
Heck, let's just look at ambulance cost.
In non-life-threatening situations, Germans pay 10% of transport costs, from €5 to €10.
In the USA, in one of the cheaper states, you're looking at least at 2,000$ without insurance. Average is 5-10,000$.
With insurance isn't much better, with a good rate being 500$ still just for the ride.
And well, you've seen the meme on eggs I'm the USA. Strangely enough, even something like McDonald's meals can more expensive sometimes in the USA then Germany.
I suppose your internet and cell data prices are similar at least.
Housing (in cities) though, is cheaper in Germany.
I haven't even gotten into education, because I don't know much about it, but I don't think Germans are paying hundreds of Euros for a book, digital or physical.
Again, The gap isn't that close.
Germany is high for Europe, but the US is crazy high for democratic and supposedly developed nations. Next year's score is going to jump after the current administration destroys the public institutions and gives them to the oligarchy.
I sure don't feel happier
I don't appreciate advertisement.
SponsorBlock is a really good addon for skipping embedded ads and sponsors in youtube videos. I avoided it for a long time, but now after using it for 9 months or so, I couldn't live without it.
Sadly that seems to be the norm now, but I agree. Thankfully he keeps it at the end so you can just turn it off by then.
I share your distaste for these semi-native ads within the videos. However, I am not going to take down the post just based on that.