No one cares about Washington anymore
No one cares about Washington anymore
No one cares about Washington anymore
In my lifetime, America has only lost wars very badly.
What if we simply didn't have a next war? Lots of countries in Africa and Europe and Asia have managed to avoid it for a long time.
This is him warming up to get some sweet DOD deals. I hope he gets them before Raytheon offs him. I want Tesla to manufacture all equipment for the us army
The headline is
But I hope he does try to "reform" the Us military, then they'll lose the next war even worse.
Elon is sad that our tanks look all boring and boxy and that we don't have flying mecha suits yet.
Wait until he finds out real war doesn't have fog of war or tech trees, either.
"Fog of war" is a real thing but not what Musk thinks.
Yes, the US will lose the next war. But imagine living through the last few years and thinking the problem isn’t in productive capabilities but rather that we need to put even more money into wunderwaffen that won’t actually work.
Germany circa 1944
Is he saying that because he's intentionally fucking up the US?
America should put that guy in the headline in charge of the weapons program, I mean those bazinga trucks work well right?
Always enough money for war, while people die because they can't afford the over inflated price of insulin and inhalers.
I bet his solution is to bloat the war budget even more
Get ready for Musk to start WeaponsX or ArmsX or some dumb shit like that
I'm looking forward to him trying to make music and getting sued by Xzibit
I guess we should all copyright such company names, as a FU to Musk.
The Hitlerists had to get stalingraded before they started bullshitting people with their Wunderwaffen pipedreams, but i guess you can also just start with this while you're in the planning stage for your next war.
Edit: next wars, sorry. ofc they'll do the usual nazi shit and open up as many fronts as possible.
How do we get them to keep skipping ahead til they get to the bunker?
Tesla AI powered m4s to every troop. No questions. Also have Elon have a crack at editing the F35s code
Or one of his 19 year old incel interns.
"we need all new icbm fleet built by SpaceX"
Prepare for a thousand F-35 sinkholes.
I'm hyped for the re-invented wunderwaffe. Maybe we get the V3 going again but this time it's just his shitty hyperloop tunnel at a 45 angle acting like that ping pong ball vacuum cannon from myth busters.
Bit idea: convince Musk and Trump bolo warfare is the future and have them build 30,000 ton tanks powered by AI.
My guy you can't even win at videogames you are not a military strategist. That said he's probably right just because it is fucking obvious.
idk paying people to win games for you is a pretty good strategy, don't know how well it'd translate to irl military strategy though lol
really? he thinks the amount of weapons are the problem? and not that there's nowhere near enough manpower who are motivated enough to sacrifice their life for pocket change and the noble goal of raising profits for some delusional oligarchs?
He doesn't think he needs manpower because he can simply use AI
Will this be how we get skynet / A. M. ? Bazinga kill bots where you have to pay a monthly subscription to not be hunted for sport
i would love to see him try
Pictured: Elon explaining why Polytopia is a superior strategy game to Chess
The USA is going to let Elon build nukes and he’s going to start nuking US cities that refuse to pay him tribute
WeaponX contracts when? /s
He will buy Boston Dynamics, rebrand it as X-terminate, use one of those shitty robots as a weapons platform and call it a "Dalek", for the epic memes. Then pretend he inverted it right before it fails spectacularly and kill a shitload of bystanders during a test deployment. Trump will sink $100b into it.
Nah Musk doesn't strike me as someone who knows Dr Who
He would however call it ED-209 without a hint of irony
You should pitch this to him
He'd definitely name it after space Nazis, yeah.
Maybe he's listening to us tankies on the socials and using that to guide his strategy. Cut all of the payments to the MIC until they start functioning.
And maybe he's close enough to the mark that Chinese intelligence decided it was time to stop the flow of tungsten.
Tungsten is also a critical component of the semiconductor manufacturing industry. It’s used to shield the silicon from copper, which is necessary but also dangerous because it likes to travel through silicon.
This isn't one of these games he pays others to play for him. He should stfu
I'm afraid that's exactly what war is though.
New man trying to get some brownie points from old money monopolies i see.
Like the only thing we have is military tech superiority, or wed be wiped off the map
Superior tech like the F-35?
Most expensive ≠best, it just means most expensive
No other country has the amount of aircraft carriers, air refueling tankers, and awacs aircraft as the US. You need all of this shit for invading countries across the world. Other nations really don't have the capacity for invasion and imperialism that the Americans do. Even if it's massively overpriced and the capabilities inflated, downplaying the strength of the enemy is not a recipe for victory.
Do they just not tell trump how op our military is so he doesnt abuse it? Couldnt hide nukes but hide the jets
Yeah like our sick 6th gen fighters or hypersonic missiles oh wait