Drexel Institute Girls’ Rifle Team. Philadelphia, USA, 1925
Drexel Institute Girls’ Rifle Team. Philadelphia, USA, 1925
Drexel Institute Girls’ Rifle Team. Philadelphia, USA, 1925
That woman on the far right is amazing, I love her entire outfit, her stare, the whole... thing.
My initial thought was this was the cast of Chicago because of her.
Sorry, that’s actually three six year olds stacked on top of each other.
I'm really uncomfortable with the positioning of those guns
At least one of them didn't get the memo about leaving the bolt open. Yikes.
Remember it was illegal to smile in pictures until the 1950's...
Don't worry. They're just happy to see you.
Most of them look like they’ve already shot several people.
Killing your husband used to be the only way out of an abusive marriage.
Give it time, we'll get back there eventually at this rate.
Philly's a hard town.
Was then, still is.
Thing is, all girls carried rifles to get safely to class; it's just these ones also were on the shooting team.
I made the part up about all girls carrying rifles, but the the part about Philly being hard is no joke. When my wife went to Temple, there was a street separating the campus from slums; not just poor people, but violent gangs. The train station was a couple blocks away from the main campus, and Philly cops kept the campus and that stretch to the station, and the station itself, fairly safe, but you crossed off campus at your own peril, and the university was blatantly clear with parents that they had no liability for any student straying off campus. It was a scary place.
I've heard it's gotten better immediately around the campus in recent years - safer, anyway. Still a rough town, though.
Edit hey, I just noticed - bolts all open, too! Better discipline than most period men-with-guns photos you see.
I'm not sure how to interpret those expressions.