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  • Parks has very pretty cards (they are by different artists so vary a fair bit)

    I picked up Faraway recently and like the art on those cards - slightly surreal fantasy theme.

  • I'm sharing my current favorites here:

    • Arkham Horror: Beautiful illustration, as well as a beautiful game in my opinion.
    • MtG: Magic cards remain among the most polished and beautiful ever created, even if I hate the direction it has taken, and in general I appreciate competitive games less and less in favor of more collaborative ones; in fact my favorite way to play Magic is with the Archenemy format (there is also an excellent boxed product).
    • Marvel Champions: I don't actually have this in my collection but it looks pretty cool, I have to admit I'm quite a fan of Fantasy Flight Games at the moment!
    • even if I hate the direction it has taken

      Oh? I'm not a MtG player so I've no idea of what's been going on.

      • 50% of MtG products are now "Beyond Universe" cards, third-party intellectual propriety such as SpongeBob, Stranger Things, Doctor Who and more; and they are all standard legal. Here a video if you want more details: