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Tame your inner dictator!

Everywhere I look there are people advocating for defederation from this and that! Do you even understand what you're suggesting? Do you get what's the point of decentralized social media and activity pub?

This is supposed to be free and accessible for everyone. We all have brains and can decide who to interact with.

If meta or any other company manages to create a better product it's just natural that people tend to use it. I won't use it, you may not use it and it's totally fine! It's about having options. Also as Mastodon's CEO pointed out there's no privacy concern, everything stays on your instance.

Edit: after reading and responding to many comments, I should point out that I'm not against defederation in general. It's a great feature if used properly. Problem is General Instances with open sign-ups and tens of thousands of users making decisions on par of users and deciding what they can and can not see.

If you have a niche or small community with shared and agreed upon values, defederating can be great. But I believe individual users are intelligent enough to choose.

  • Defederation is an important tool and is part of what makes the fediverse work. In my experience, people who are strongly defederation averse are mostly either quite new to the fediverse or have the relative privilege of never having to really deal with bad actors especially en masse.

  • If meta or any other company manages to create a better product it’s just natural that people tend to use it. ... It’s about having options

    We can't rely on the illusion of an even playing field to limit the influence of predatory capital like zukerberg's. Big social media products are designed around the chemistry of decision making in the brain - they can win using an inferior, exploitative product with the worst user experience that could possibly bear profits.

    I'm not necessarily in favor of defed-ing anything that zuck's claws are in, but I think it's very important to be wary of what opening the door for one of the world's most genocide-encouraging social media companies could mean.

  • Part of being free and accessible for everyone is allowing defederation.

  • people can choose not to interact with things that are bad for them, and bad for the group (the fediverse as a technology platform) sure

    … just like people can choose to ignore misinformation
    … or vote in their best interests

    it’s definitely a fine line! but let’s not kid ourselves: people aren’t always rational actors, and refusing to admit that is dangerous

  • The argument for defederating is that Meta has an enormous technological and userbase advantage for capturing up all the activity in the fediverse. It's not out of the realm of possibility that the overwhelming majority of future activity on the fediverse happens on Meta controlled instances, if we let them have free reign capturing as much of the fediverse as they can. In that case, with Meta effectively controlling the fediverse, then they don't really need to play nice anymore. They can introduce a breaking API change and hold all of the non-Meta instances ransom saying to upgrade to their new API, or you won't be able to participate with their fediverse communities anymore.

    So it's basically a question of do we nip the Meta issue in the bud and preemptively defederate from them, or do we wait until they take over and force us to restart from scratch two years from now.

    • After 1 day, they already have more users, so I don't understand how defederating can help us grow?! It will just make more sense for more people to use threads instead, since much more users are there.

      • You're not understanding that growth on fediverse instances run by Meta is ultimately bad for the fediverse in the long run.

        Let me try explaining like this: Imagine there's an instance called and it gets hugely popular. Whenever you browse the all feed, it seems like 95% of the posts are from Everybody hates that it ended up this way, and everybody tried to fight it, but it just inevitably happened because Meta has the fastest and most stable servers, and because there are a ton of funny users on Threads who only post to because Threads heavily favors those communities in their app. Then one day Meta decides that they don't want to support the fediverse anymore, so they close off access to So effectively 95% of the "fediverse" as we knew it vanishes, and you have to join Threads if you want access to those communities again.

        It's the threat of that scenario that has a lot of people wanting to block Meta from the start.