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  • This guys gonna rot in jail. His best years of life - gone. Dreams and aspirations, destroyed. Worse than death isolation that will change handsome young guy to a traumatised mental wreck, permanently. All for a minute of feeling good, achieving nothing.

    Instead of living fully, finding love and pursuing the dreams he chose bleak walls of concrete. Where other people have memories of familial warmth with their loved ones he will only have memories of rusty prison faucet and grey stone.

    Instead of helping someone he ruined two or more lives. His own and the ceo family. Negative force in the cosmos. Nothing but the suffering is the result.

    And of course internet people are amazed because millions of silent volunteers that actually work in healthcare and elsewhere, help every single day to make this world better place, are not as clickable and sensationalist as someone shooting smoking guns on the street “fighting the bad guys”. That girl that helps the old lady with the groceries ain’t no batman but every single day she does more than this Luigi guy will ever achieve.

    Truly a “hero” of the internet

    • He's a martyr is what he is.

      He is going to rot in jail. This is not a good thing. It's just the same complete monsters that built this evil system flexing the power on plebeians like us.

      What you advocate for is nothing more than complacency, accepting one's lot in life and never complaining. And this is a lot more cruel than you realise.

    • That's what happens when people are desperate and he was desperate.

    • Because of the parading, its very likely a mistrial. Even if they get around with some fuckery, finding 12 people unaffected by claims denials will be very difficult. I can totally see people saying they have no conflict just to be on the jury to say not guilty.

      • There’s no timeline where the people who are in power let someone like Luigi free. They would sooner ruin the whole country than let him out of the prison any time soon…

        I want to remind you that currently Trump is elected and he said “I think it’s really terrible that some people seem to admire him, like him," It’s obvious threat to his power.

        You can kill a prostitute, homeless and get away with it but not a ceo of big leading company. Not challenge the very ruler of the country. I doubt he is gonna see the light of day outside of prison in his life ever again. They will make sure of it.

    • I don't condone what Luigi did, but I understand. Whether he is rich or not, what Luigi did is a symptom of a broken society, just like someone who has to steal a diaper or milk for one's baby. And sure, even Trump getting popular is a symptom as well, not the cause. Many people are getting sick of an increasingly injust society regardless of background.

      What we are seeing is a bottle gradually going to pop. We have been warned years ago of the growing excesses of a society becoming greedy and too individualistic, but we did not listen. We want to see how bloated and fat we can get before we all burst together.

      • I don’t understand you guys. We live in the best era possible in the best places of the world. First world, free of ailments of the poverty unlike other 85% of the planet. We don’t die out of hunger. We can earn money posting funny videos on the web and instagram or sitting in our chairs all day in AC temp controlled rooms.

        We go back to home from work to watch milions of entertainment options, there are literally innumerable of them. You can import brushes made from animal living in some distant part of the world to your feet to paint some very intricate plastic works of art. You can get from one point of the globe to the other and back for a monthly wage flying in the skies. We squashed hundreds of diseases. We made an artificial network that lets you instantly communicate with everyone on earth.

        Yet from the way you say things one could assume that we are in some kind of Middle Ages or worse.

        I get the motivation to still achieve higher levels of civilisation and that’s what got us so far after all but I think some perspective is nice so you aren’t stuck in some crazy doomer bubble.

        Patience. These things will come. they are as inevitable as the sun rising tomorrow. But they need time and people who work for them to happen. Women and general equal chances, justice and independence are all the things we work for. But they aren’t magic, they need time.

        However the trends are unstoppable as the water in a river. a slight regression under trump is just a symptom of the reaction to the progressive change. Temporary bump on the road. Meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

        I am proud to be a human. I am proud for us to pioneer cosmos one day. I am proud that we got so far and I am positive that we will achieve even greater feats.