50 Protests rule
50 Protests rule
- Reddit interface: https://redlib.northboot.xyz/r/50501/
- Other social media: https://50501movement.carrd.co/
- news article: https://www.newsweek.com/50-states-anti-trump-protest-nationwide-february-5-details-2025300
50 Protests rule
so how'd it go?
Pretty good!
Be safe out there. Stand together. Call out reckless agitators. Hoping for the best from up here in Canada.
Yeah, that's gonna be an issue for most of us here in Alaska. The state capitol is purposely hard to get to for the majority of the population. Maybe we could protest at the state building in Anchorage instead?
yeah, it seems lime the organizers probably forgot the size of Alaska.
In my sleep addled vision the words "protests" and "states" became "prostates" like damn 50 of them??
I saw that too
Fam that should be like a tongue-twister: "How many prostates can pro-state Protestants protest prostrate if pro-state Protestants protest prostates prostrate?"
Hadn't heard much about this till I saw this:
I don't know what's going on and maybe it's just really grassroots or something. Just, be safe out there folks.
Yeah, from the looks of it, it seems like a bunch of Reddit randos got sick of no major protests happening and came up with their own thing. Naturally, they seem to have made alt accounts to do so, and started a new subreddit. I don't think it's malicious but it seems like they don't have a lot of experience running demonstrations or with any kind of activism really. So it's possible they'll make mistakes that more experienced organizers wouldn't have.
I've been looking into Indivisible recently. Their approach is to engage members of congress and local government, kind of like the Tea Party did for the conservatives. They don't seem to hold the large rallies that are more likely to get the average person involved. But they've got a lot of knowledge and experience and their approach has worked in the past. I encourage people to check them out.
I will try to find the source, but the 50501 subreddit and its organizers have partnered with an org that was formed and worked on the Sanders campaign in 2016. I think it was in the last few paragraphs of the Newsweek article that this was mentioned. So while it’s not NOT Reddit randos, it seems to be slightly more “by the book” than the “Reddit randos” phrasing would let on.
Anonymous organizers with no clear goal? it's at least a little sus.
But also understandable?
Show up or don't. Vibe check it?
From the "get one image viral" school of organizing. Hope everyone is safe.
Yeah, I don't want to discourage anyone but this what you call an "illegal protest" in the Land of the Free.
this what you call an “illegal protest”
No, I think this could have been organized a lot better, but as far as I know it is legal. According to the ACLU:
- Your rights are strongest in what are known as “traditional public forums,” such as streets, sidewalks, and parks. You also likely have the right to speak out on other public property, like plazas in front of government buildings, as long as you are not blocking access to the government building or interfering with other purposes the property was designed for.
- You don’t need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks, as long as marchers don’t obstruct car or pedestrian traffic. If you don't have a permit, police officers can ask you to move to the side of a street or sidewalk to let others pass or for safety reasons.
- Certain types of events may require permits. These include a march or parade that requires blocking traffic or street closure; a large rally requiring the use of sound amplifying devices; or a rally over a certain size at most parks or plazas.
- While certain permit procedures require submitting an application well in advance of the planned event, police can’t use those procedures to prevent a protest in response to breaking news events.
However I'm not a lawyer, so if you know for a fact that these demonstrations are illegal I'm eager to learn more about it.
According to their site they have permits, and they are doing local organizing in every state.
I've not personally verified it, but they claim to be doing this legally.
I have to work and it's supposed to be like 2° too. Plus it's a small drive to the Capitol. boit 2.5 hours. It's just not possible for me, but Madison is a pretty blue heavy city. Hell WI is a blue heavy state lately.
I could go there but I have school obligations with people who I want to trust me. Not enough advance warning to make it happen in my busy life. If they'd told me two weeks in advance I might've went to it.
So, to get information I have to give my information to Meta or Reddit?
Sounds pretty fishy to me.
I'm only showing some state capitols buildings. What about other states not listed?
If you dig around the social media links there's a lot of info there. Like I found this:
If they have one in my area I will show up, but it's a case of too little, too late.
Fair enough. tbh I think efforts by Indivisible may be more effective, they're nationwide and ongoing: https://www.mobilize.us/indivisible/
I mean, just show up with your picket signs!?