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  • Just trying to stay positive. Mostly failing, but trying.

    • Please keep trying. Fwiw, this past week has been a helluva year decade century!

      Although as Josh Johnson's latest comedy special mentions, most of the new orders don't even accomplish anything at all - they are just something to keep a certain someone busy.

      Even so, buckle in for a bit of a wild ride.

  • I did my taxes today and owed the feds $5 and my state $50. Guess I'm not using my tax refund to buy my next gpu.

    Just gonna not pay my taxes next year. They don't deserve my money.

  • Let’s see, my tax returns have afforded me the ability to buy a PC for me and my boys (mostly to play games and for my oldest to write code). The gaming chair came yesterday, and my boys and I spent the evening putting it together. We all had a blast. I can’t wait for the rest of the parts to come in, as I’ll be teaching them how to build a pc.

  • Taiko is real cool. On a somewhat related note, at the college I attend, one of the clubs got a dance group and a Hong Kong dizi player to come for a Chinese/Lunar New Year event. It was really cool. They even got a couple women that due Indian dance and even one of the staff participated in some Indian dance. It was absolutely amazing.

    I can't wait for tonight, though, since there's a Chinese/Lunar New Year event going on in my hometown that the college club I'm in has a table at. I have an hour shift, but I get to go to the event and have a good time. I'm hoping the person who made this zombie bunny thing I got last year is there again because I wouldn't mind getting another one.

    Other than that, it was a pretty good week, after I bought a new charging brick for my laptop out of necessity last Monday.