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How reliable/realistic is to use a laptop as a remote file backup server?

I have an HP pavillion 15-bc235nd that, quite frankly, I don´t really like that much (way too loud of a fan, cannot adjust the fan curve, keyboard and trackpad are terrible, etc).

I was planning to replace with laptop with something else, but in the meantime, I was thinking of something. Instead of getting this laptop in the landfill or give to someone else (no one needs an emergency laptop right now), I could potentially use this has a server machine to be used as an off site backup location.

Right now I am missing the off site backup part out of the 3-2-1 backup strategy. Since this laptop has more than enough horsepower to do the job, it could be a solution. But personally, I am not sure how reliable a laptop turned into a server can be. This laptop would be around 3000km away from me, so I have to be really sure it works at a distance without much problem.

For those who turned a laptop into a server: what is your mileage? Are there any specific considerations about this setup that a regular desktop/server does not have or specific issues?

  • If you can't access the hardware physically and you don't have someone on site who can work on it, just drop the idea and get a VPS or whatever cloud based. No matter what hardware you plan to use. Anything and everything can happen. Broken memory module, odd power surge, rodents or bugs messing up with the system, moisture or straight up water leak corroding something, fan failure overheating the thing and so on.

    There's only one single fact on the business that I've learned over 20something years I've been working with IT: All hardware fails. No exceptions. The only question is 'when'. And when the time comes you need someone to have physical access to the stuff.

    I mean, sure, your laptop might run just fine for several years without problems or it might have shipping damage over that 3000km and it'll break in a week. In either case, unless you have someone hands on the machine, it's not going to do much.

  • Buy a KVM that you can wire to the power button if you can. Pikvm, nanokvm, Jetkvm, etc. Will save you when the device needs a reboot or a bios tweak.

    • I did this with a regular rpi, one of it's io pins and a single npn transistor a while back.

      Multimeter to check which power button pin on the mobo is + vs -. - to the rpi gnd, + to the transistor collector, gate to the io pin, drain to rpi gnd.

      Whenever the io pin goes high (positive), the transistor shorts the mobo pins 'pressing' the power button.

      Script pings the servers ip to check if its not responding; then pulls the pin high for 6 sec to ensure the mobo is fully off, then low for 2 sec, high for 2 sec, then low again.

      This was for a system that kept locking up while I was away, so I needed a way to remotely hard-restart it.

  • The only thing you need to worry about is turning on battery conservation to protect the battery, or removing the battery entirely if your laptop doesn’t support that. Because if you have it plugged in and the battery is at 100% all the time, it’s going to go bad quickly. Bad batteries can sometimes swell up, which could turn into a fire hazard.