Trump's funding freeze awakens the "Resistance"
Trump's funding freeze awakens the "Resistance"
Trump's funding freeze awakens the "Resistance"
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This is a total shutdown of the federal government for everything besides personnel. All science research in the US has stopped. States are losing their funding. Completely unconstitutional.
Should have just went bidirectional. Stopped all funding from the states to the federal government. The federal government would what? Print money to try to pay the soilders to invade their homeland? Not much can be done if the states all said fuck you to the federal government
I'm starting to see more and more that this is how the inevitable schism will occur. I was afraid our nation's demise would be armed conflict, but based on the last week I now believe it will be some combination of Feds withholding funding, states responding by withholding revenue, and then those states that are net exporters of dollars to the federal government just starts managing themselves without oversight.
States will form coalitions of like-minded governments with similar economic interests. States like California and Texas will be centers of gravity and will have incredible negotiating power. Others (see: deep red south) will slide into near third world status. Some might actually become Canadian Territories. Interesting to think about academically.
Surely someone has done the research and put the thought into how this could go. And written it down?
You say that but let's say you eliminate all Medicare Medicaid and social security coming from Trump, do you see the older population voting for him then? All the sudden universal healthcare coverage sounds pretty good. If you told a family you can raise your family in a state that has healthcare or not, id choose healthcare. Aka people attempting to flee states that didn't support it. It would create a requirement for the states to have it or lose their labor sources (and funding for the future). Aka whatever they call social security rides on keeping the labor force.
do you see the older population voting for him then?
Feel free to call me Chicken Little, but I believe we have likely voted in our last free and open election. Between voter suppression, media consolidation, and outright manipulation, I can imagine an outcome that no longer reflects even the illusion of the people's will.
id choose healthcare
If only it were that easy. Relocating is financially draining. And emotionally challenging if you're leaving family behind. And, why don't we all move to Canada, or Europe, or anywhere else for healthcare? You don't think the first thing Texas does after the split is put up checkpoints and require "papers" to travel outside the New Confederate States of Jesus Christ?
I hope we look back on this conversation in four years and all agree I was alarmist and overly imaginative. And wrong. But with every headline it seems we inch closer.
You're right on many points and I agree. But no one takes your homeland. States stand in solitude further than people believe. Hate has divided us. But that doesn't mean hate can't union us as well. Spread the word. Trump is and has always been the harbinger of the rich and the annihilation of the middle class. He knows nothing but his birth, same as Musk, they were born rich. They are not our friends, they have always been our enemy.
Ill give you a puncher slogan" He IS the swamp
For many, the fear of the "other" supercedes the imperative to negotiate and collaborate collectively.
"I am willing to lose so long as this leader makes the people I profess to hate lose more."
I fail to see how withholding all taxes for everyone is going to help renew the flow of funding for necessary services.
The federal government would immediately have cave is why. If we are paying for Medicare/Medicaid out of every paycheck and they are stopping that flow in the other direction it is our and the states responsibility to try to redistribute those funds.
Well call me when States implement redistribution of funds, because until that happens it means we're left with no services at all.
If you find me a state that doesn't collect taxes and redistribute them I'd be surprised. Right now they collect from sales tax, state income taxes, property taxes and I'm sure I'm forgetting others. Redistribution of what we pay in federal income taxes wouldn't end up having to happen as the federal government would give up right away if all the states were against it. They aren't a foreign government against the states, even though they seem to be acting as it more and more.
None of the states are funding Medicare and Medicaid Expansion, or social security, it's a federal service.
Yes those are federal programs... What are you trying to say?
The states need to create their own, or US Citizens should continue to pay taxes and fight the Trump decisions in court.
Yes it would need expansion and creation for many states. Example from the state I am currently in (Tennessee). TennCare Medicaid:
Edit for more info: 78% federal funding, 22% state funded.
Federal taxes collected from Tennessee in 2020: $67 Billion.
Medicaid budget total is $18.6B including the fed funding. That covers 1.5 million people currently. 5.3 million total population now.
So assuming federal taxes didn't increase from 2020 to 2025) Tennessee could cover 100% of their population with said insurance and have ~10 plus billion left for other programs.
Note also prices usually decrease when you scale projects, especially when you already had coverage for the elderly, pregnant, and typically unhealthy covered under the original costs.
I don't care about what they can or should do, UNTIL AFTER they do it I don't support a taxation boycott.