Locking. This meme complains about misogyny, with people immediately jumping in to imply misogyny isn't real and start complaining about irrelevant stuff to the meme in an inflammatory manner. Please behave in the future.
I have a sick compulsion where I read the comments on websites, willingly bathing my eyes in filth.
Feels like the viewers of manga and anime are indoctrinated with their own tropes, forcing "titles" on characters just because they are expecting to see them.
<Female doesn't align with male main character> "Ah, here's the fucking bitch character she's so fucking annoying why hasn't the author fucking killed off already?!!1" It's deranged.
From my experience, most of the time the issue with these characters is more that they are badly written
Skylar sucks, if that makes me mysoginist then I guess I am one.
Doesn't pretty much everyone suck in breaking bad? Haven't watched it to the end though.
most of them are bad people, but most are still likeable. skylar on the other hand is uniquely unlikable.