Ya like bogs?!
Ya like bogs?!
Ya like bogs?!
I like caravans better
This guy gets the reference
"Careful now! Or Hobbits go down to join the dead ones, and light little candles of their own."
I love this reference and would make it all the time in the bush
I...I want to drink it.
Not if you would like to avoid giardia
Slaps bog: This thing can perfectly preserve a bunch of bodies.
This thing can generate a bunch of iron
This baby can sequester carbon into layers of 1 mm a year
Bogs?! Resistance is peatile.
I love it, but even lesser bogs suit me.
I literally loled
In German we call them „die Totensümpfe“
Bruh! I was canoeing a swamp today! MUCH LOVE.