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So what are you all reading?

And how are you liking it?

I'm working my way through Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett and it's solid so far, lots of fun, very compelling. I'm not the fastest reader but I'm already halfway done after just a few days.

  • Lord of the Rings trilogy, after finishing The little Hobbit last week. Its the first time in years Im reading a book, and the last time I read those books 20 years ago. Its really so much better than the movies, knowing what the characters think or feel. And with so many small, important details which are left out of the movies.

    • I read the Silmarillion for the first time last year and it made me fall in love with Tolkien again after a few decades of neglecting his books. Written very differently from LOTR but I still highly recommend if you want more Tolkien and to appreciate the detail in his work.

  • Started the Stormlight Archive over xmas break. Just finished the novella Dawnshard this morning and have Rhythm of War queue up on my reader to start today. 💜

    • Making it so far into that series over one break is seriously impressive to my turtle reading skills

      • I may have a bit of an addictive personality when it comes to new things I like. My partner is quick to remind me of this. Often. 😏

        Plus I was at my in-laws house for 2 weeks. I needed something to keep me disengaged from them. 🙃. Plus, the drive each way was 14 hours.

  • The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa.

    It's a good story, but not sure if I'd recommend it

  • Just did A Magician's Apprentice by Trudy Canavan. It's not exactly what I hoped for (wanted more magic, got a war in a different universe instead).

    Currently I'm reading Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett like OP does. It's quite good so far. I feel entertained!
    After that I either continue reading the other two following books or have a look at Imajica by Clive Barker or the Shades of Magic series by V. E. Schwab.

    And after that I'll probably turn to sci-fi for a change.

    If you like a to completely immerse into a different culture, history and time then maybe Ascendance of a Bookworm by Miya Kazuki is something for you. Don't let the manga style cover fool you it has really well thought-out world. It's the story of a girl that died in our world and was reborn in another while remembering her past life. As a bookworm she struggles with the harsh reality that books are incredible expensive over there and attempts to remedy that - and clashes with the prevailing culture and social norms. Sometimes the MC is a bit silly or too much coming-of-age. But I read 24 volumes (270-330 pages each) out of like 32 so it can't be too bad.
    And yes they made an anime out of it.

    • Foundryside was so good, sometimes I think it sped by almost too quickly, I hope the next book let's you get to know the supporting cast and setting a bit better, but it was still a really well put together story.

      I've been rereading the first few chapters of Imajica for decades now until I feel too overwhelmed by how massive it is and give up again til my next reread attempt.