Anon is dangerous
Anon is dangerous
Anon is dangerous
"Have a 4chan?" Isn't 4chan loginless?
Surely they mean that they fear they will fall in love with someone only to find out that they're the infamous hacker known as 4chan
Wait I thought anon was run by two people. Anon and femanon.
Who is this 4chan?
to be fair to this person finding out someone you love paid for 4chan pass would be absolutely devastating
Only if you're not what they call a "tripfag".
have 4chan
deep web
I believe that the deep web used to refer to websites not referenced on search engines. Which was the case for 4 chan.
I think this is still the definition
The deep web,[1] invisible web,[2] or hidden web[3] are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard web search-engine programs.
But I don't remember a time that 4chan didn't appear on search results, it's just that the content disappears so quickly that the result you do get (and you get some results) aren't worth much, so they're demphasized. But I remember a long while back searching on Google with "" and getting results.
Facebook is also deep Web for most of it. Normies are the real freaks.
genuinely this. I used to think the dark web was so evil but then I found that it's literally just 70% people trying to scam idiots for money with edgy murder shops, 20% broken websites, and 10% dope ass art projects.
The real harm is YouTube shorts. Not even TikTok, it's relatively tame with some attention seekers. YouTube shorts makes rapists come off as the good people in society and seeing some kid IRL praise Andrew Tate is 1000x more terrifying than any decapitated head photo or jumpscare could be.
I can has a 4chan?
Who is this 4chan?
do we even know?
Nope, they were clearly dating moot
How does one get a 4chan and how to avoid it? Is there a Vax?
Vax makes autist. Entire 4chan is autist. Therefore vax causes 4chan. QED
This community really shows how nice and wholesome /b/ really is, I think I'll go there now
Oh wait the entire first page of the board is filled with pervert shit
Edit: on a refresh, there's also some nazi sympathizing. Cool! Wholesome!
We got another one
But to kill one must know life.
a 4channer is a mixed bag. Worth the time investment on sussing out, for sure.
You can easily tell when a light is going to change, simply by checking the crosswalk indicator. If DONT WALK is blinking, the light is about to change.
(That said, some lights with low traffic in one direction are programmed to get ready to change at a moment's notice, in case a car pulls up, but most aren't. So in that situation all you gotta do is check to see if a car is waiting for green if the crosswalk is blinking, to determine whether or not it's going to change.)
I used to try to snap when the light changed... No tricks or method, I'd just start counting down in my head from a number that felt right and snap
Years of doing it, and now I just know when the light is going to change. It takes time to learn it for a new place