What are some great tech services made by europeans?
What are some great tech services made by europeans?
I have been wondering recently what European services I should be checking out :)
What are some great tech services made by europeans?
I have been wondering recently what European services I should be checking out :)
This might be useful: https://european-alternatives.eu/
Thanks, I just bookmarked the page!
I posted it to the front so it can be seen easily
The first I can think of (because I'm using them):
That said, I mostly focus on software being Free/Libre. Maybe in the coming years, with the rise shit nationalistic politics that we're witnessing, I will have to focus on EU-made products and services only—that would be sad.
Hetzner a German company for cloud, webhosting and some other stuff I can’t even begin to understand ;)
They're the power behind a lot of the Fediverse - long may they continue.
+1 to this.
LibreOffice, Odoo, Mastodon, Nextcloud and more. Lots of Linux distros and desktops are based in Europe.
There is a lot of FOSS done in Europe and EU is very proactive with it. CERN is really helping open hardware and KiCAD.
Controversial take, Spotify
Nextcloud is German, I think.
Kolabnow for mail! Based in Switzerland, focused on privacy.
My friend uses zoner.cz for editing photos. The license is like 50€ and at least for us (we use it for editing photos for children group) they don't care about password sharing.
platform.io is Ukrainian so is Grammarly and GitLab and Reface and Restream