I love opensource software its just so much fun to do stuff like this and get inspiration from other peoples stuff even if it is something fairly simple like this
go to ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hyfetch/distros/ and find yours. Open it on a text editor and replace the entire ascii part with this
${c1} .; .o ccccl; 'd d
c .c. ,, .,;, 'c l
o ;:. o. ,:;c ;
c .k,,;. ,. ;
c ,l,.'... :
l d
l d
:. ...... ',;;'.':'. d.
o ,k...KXXXk .XXXX, ,; ,:.
;'.'d, c. NXXXO .XXXX; l .:;..o
'l..... l 0XXXl 0XXK c .c.
;;. ,. .co, ,,. .. ' .:'
c, ',:'. .;c,. :,
,; . ;,,;;;,,; ,c
''.'',,,. .';;...'''.
.doc;... .,:.
:, ;c
.k. .l
.o'. ,c
.'d :.
d l
.d d
save it then do hyfetch -c, for this i used the default options :3