9-26-23 www.thefarside.com
9-26-23 www.thefarside.com
9-26-23 www.thefarside.com
... is Charlie brown threatening to euthanize snoopy‽
well it's less funny when you say it like that
Your user name looks much like an answer to this question, that took me a second.
Also looks like Hobbes is mauling Calvin in the top left.
That happens regularly in C&H
That cow knows its surveillance tools.
Tag yourself, I'm Cathy shouting about her diet.
I'm Larson being spied on by myself
I'm the reel-to-reel tape.
I'm the duck, using my feathers as opposable thumbs.
I'm Calvin being mauled by Hobbes.
I think that's Calvin in the upper left. I love this.
Also looks like Hobbes' claws coming in from the left.
Definitely is. I also love this.
Fuck yes a Garfield cameo
On a Monday no less!
Is that Mafalda with a machine gun?
I think that's Nancy. Similar spikes along the edges of the hair.
Who is the character in the lower left with the heart on her shirt? That comic was fucking everywhere in the '80s but for the life of me I can't remember the name any more.
Cathy I think
Ah yeah, thanks.
Which strip is to the left of Ziggy in the middle of the left bank of screens? Looks like something out of Five Nights At Freddy's.
Also, Opus thinking "Is that a camera lens?"