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Indiana teachers battling right-wing bill to dissolve public school districts

United States | News & Politics

Indiana teachers battling right-wing bill to dissolve public school districts

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  • My parents, who were both public school teachers, saw this coming well over a decade ago. They've seen the slow strangulation of the public school system as a basic inevitability ever since the Bush Admin. I'm not gonna go out of my way to defend the current schooling system as without issues, it's DEEPLY flawed, particularly in how funds are allocated and how it handles children with developmental disorders/neurodivergences. However, handing everything over to for-profit groups who will have no interest in promoting the public good over making ever greater profits, is NOT the answer. Watching this happen in my own state at the same time leaves me sick.

  • A less known problem is that charter schools are not allowed in the same pension program public schools are in. Many teachers may get screwed out of a retirement they haven't been fully vested in if the school they worked for suddenly becomes a charter school.