Loving the new weekly event. It's so silly, and pure fun
Loving the new weekly event. It's so silly, and pure fun
Loving the new weekly event. It's so silly, and pure fun
There are some breaking plays that could be made.. like for example both teams having 50k in cashout in final round of WT and ranked, altho it's more of just theoretical
Oh its definitely a more casual type of change. Nothing about this is promoting serious style of gameplay. And I’m all for that, its encouraging players to remember the game is not meant to be taken completely seriously.
I haven’t seen anything too game breaking yet; it is risky. Its pretty inconsequential in the final round where the goal is still 50000. Realistically, you are only going to get there with 2 cashouts. And its limited to WT, I agree it wouldn’t make sense in Ranked.