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  • The creator of Fortune’s Run, who goes by Dizzie on Steam, announced Tuesday night that her past had caught up with her. “I’ve been sentenced to prison for the next 3 years,” she wrote on the game’s Steam page. “It’s a long story, but I’ve lived a very different life before I was a game developer, and I wasn’t living very well. My case is about 5 years old now, I have been going through the legal process the whole time I’ve been working on this. I have finally been found guilty and sentenced, and I’m going away next month.”

    “It’s a shame, but it’s the consequences of my actions,” the developer continued. “I was a very violent person and I hurt a lot of people in my life. Unfortunately, the sentence isn’t going to help with that at all, but I guess we all know that. So the game isn’t TOTALLY dead, but unfortunately due to even further bad things happening, it’s unclear what will happen.”
