Are there any anonymous coins that have better security than Monero?
Are there any anonymous coins that have better security than Monero?
Are there any anonymous coins that have better security than Monero?
How much more private do you need to get? I mostly use Bitcoin Cash
After the next HF upgrade on BCH we should see ZK level privacy start to develop via smart contracts. Hopefully in the future BCH can be as or more private than Monero and our communities can unite into one unstoppable digital cash force!
I heard zcash figured out their spamming issues and is now considered secure.
I’m also a fan of Midnight once they go open source. I moderate their community on here and decided to lock it until they open source it. Until then, I consider it a CIA honeypot.
A problem with zcash is that most people only use transparent addresses, so if you are one of the few people who uses shielded transactions, you're wallet is already marked as "dirty". In addition,I don't know if any other crypto has tor nodes and dandelion++, zano and pirate chain included. Add to this private transaction rates and a large anonymity set and a skeptical community that actively searches for and rewards finding flaws, there is no competition. That may change in the future, but not any time soon.
there is no competition.
Tor, i2p, dandellion++ 🧡
Ones using zk-snark or zk-stark have a technical advantage over XMR as the anonymity set is the whole chain, however many have pre-mines, dev taxes, opt-in privacy, GPU mining or other problems:
Monero is king.
Monero bridged to Ergo and mixed with the ergo mixer could be great one day. As it would give Monero access to DeFi if enough people use the mixer this way.
There is also potential of Monero as a sidechain on Bitcoin Cash. This would bring extreme privacy and world level scalability to make the ultimate digital cash, as well as DeFi participation in the BCH CashTokens ecosystem.
No reason to give up GPU resistance, however BCH on RandomX might be interesting.
I just wish Monero were easier to buy. I understand, security and all, but ugh, takes a lot of steps to get it.
That’s the reality but most people here will be full of joy when X CEX delists XMR
You don't need to worry about buying it directly though if you don't have exchange options like Kraken. So long as you can buy any crypto, you can easily swap to Monero. Tons of swap services or in wallet swap providers.
If you want to get the absolute lowest fees when swapping to Monero you could use Trade Ogre & swap currency pairs directly. They only charge a 0.2% fee per trade. The interface is a bit intimidating but the whole buying another crypto then swapping to Monero can be essentially free.
I swap Monero with another crypto on swap services like Exolix or simpelswap. It's enough as for me
Fair enough. Thanks!