Trump receives ‘first ever Presidential Commemorative Inaugural Diet Coke bottle’ from Coca-Cola CEO
Trump receives ‘first ever Presidential Commemorative Inaugural Diet Coke bottle’ from Coca-Cola CEO
Trump receives ‘first ever Presidential Commemorative Inaugural Diet Coke bottle’ from Coca-Cola CEO
They're all kissing the ring now. We really are the United Corporations of America.
Always have been. People are just hungrier lately.
Eat them!
I hate it here.
Had to check if this is The Onion. Seems like I'll be doing that a lot more.
How will the Onion be able to make believable, funny, but fake stories that sound real enough to warrant a click anymore? We've been at this point for a while where the truth is about as funny as whatever the writers there could come up with.
Fuck Coca-Cola!
They’re being boycotted because of the Gaza genocide.
I drank coke for 30 years, but in the last year I stopped in part because of Gaza (among other terrible things and people they've supported over the years) and in part because the prices they've been charging lately are ridiculous. It was easier to quit than I thought it would be and I doubt I'll ever buy a coke product again.
That's the last straw! From now on I'm only drinking beer.
I was so certain I was reading the onion. So very certain...
Not sure how to interpret this. Is Coca-Cola making fun of Trump with the Diet Coke? If so its pretty funny.
Now's a perfect time to find an independently bottled soft drink supplier, such as Frostop (my personal favorite), or any one of a hundred other locally made sodas- or honestly just switch to water and tea, your kidneys and teeth will appreciate it
Corporate America sure loooooves Trump...
How long until he replaces the Diet Coke button on the Resolute Desk with a soda fountain machine?
Go full on fast food with it.
And it's brawndo
Don't get too close to James Quincey when he talks to you. You'll smell the shit on his nose.
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