Trump Says He Wants No Wind Turbines Built During Administration
Trump Says He Wants No Wind Turbines Built During Administration
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Trump Says He Wants No Wind Turbines Built During Administration
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Why tho
A billion-dollar bribe — wind turbines directly compete with fossil gas as an electricity source.
there's also that time he whined and cried all the way to uk supreme court to try to stop a windfarm. losing once... twice.. "three times a loser".
This simple:
Trump’s battle against “windmills” began back in 2006 after he had purchased seaside land for a golf course and subsequently learned that a wind farm was being planned offshore. This annoyed him because it would disturb the view and possibly eat into profits. His attempts to prevent the construction of the wind farm turned into a feud with the Scottish government, and in Trump’s mind, converted the wind turbines into giants that needed to be attacked.
“You know, I know windmills very much. I’ve studied it better than anybody.”
That's it. Old man hates windmills. Nothing else to it.
And thought just continues to show his utter lack of taste because wind turbines are beautiful. I love driving by wind farms.
Some guesses, in declining order of probability. :)
They cause cancer, haven't you heard?
Yeah, well, he can wish in one hand and shit in the other to see which fills up first. There's multi-billion dollar projects already in progress in, among other places, California, Texas, and Wyoming. Those aren't going to be stopped no matter what Trump wants.
Freedom and small government, right?
His aggression towards windmills is so odd. I hope progress towards renewable energy is still able to be made
Don Quixote...too perfect 😆
Don Quixote, goddamn 🤣
He won't have much luck where they already exist. Farmers in iowa and kansas want to be next with one. They don't like not getting that rent. wind turbines makes core grow much better - similar to oil wells making cows grow.
Time to start researching if I can build my own wind turbine, I suppose...
For a long while Savonius wind turbines were popular with the DIY self-sufficiency crowd. Solar panels blew them away in terms of home power generation and lack of maintenance but they were easy to DIY and they work well in the kinds of locations where the big prop windmills don't make sense, like bolted to roofs and to the sides of building.
They do sell premade wind turbines ranging from ones intended for yachts to full size ones but the permies forums have a lot of neat discussions on home small wind and small hydro.
How big do you want it?
I'm not at all excited about the way our climate is going, but there's a bit of a silver lining in Trump likely being the guy to put mar-a-largo under the mar
Sure. Who needs greener,cheaper power.
And jobs
Free market, fuck face.
Energy markets have never been free in that sense. It's always been about government support.
Yea thats true. Welp, guess we will have to destroy more planet earth so our corporate overlords can profit for the next four years.
You sure bout that?
What a fucking loser.
Literally the cheapest energy. The fall of the American empire is truly going to be accelerated under this massive clown
That's pretty dangerous. Four years of no projects being build could kill an industry and drive away the skilled people. By the time a sane government gets established again the companies may be gone and people would be otherwise engaged, so a quick bounce back wouldn't really be possible either.