Twink is the only constant
Link is destined to be with Ganon and no one can change my head canon
Every man must slay his own demons. What if Ganon is just a stand in for Link's latent homosexuality and the whole story is him finally accepting himself for who he is rather than fight it.
Link's Awakening.
Makes more sense this way
Ironically one of the games without Ganon. Although iirc the nightmare does take the form of Ganon at one point? So maybe
Counterpoint: "A Tale of Two Rulers" by FigmentForms, a webcomic in which Zelda marries Ganon.
In an alternative universe where Nintendo wants to be seen as progressive, they make Link blatantly gay, have him give up Zelda at the steps, and he powerbottom rules Hyrule with Ganondorf with absolute power, compassion, and a heart of gold; ushering in a new feudalist empire that reaches for the stars.
That would be fucking awesome. Alas.
Relationship status: it's complicated
They are like siblings? Not every relationship need to be sexual.
Link is the alpha femboy. He pulls them all. Men, women, fish people, Gerudo, whatever the hell the lava people are, fucking eldritch abomination swinepeople...who doesn't wanna bang and be banged by him?