Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates
Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates

Trudeau says he will remain in the role until the governing Liberal Party chooses a new leader.

Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates
Trudeau says he will remain in the role until the governing Liberal Party chooses a new leader.
and people scoffed when i said shit's going to get worse worldwide because of trump..
And even now, I scoff! But, like, in a "no duh" agreeing kind of way.
The same immigrants who told me not to worry about Trump were the same ones telling me that their homeland was justified in punishing/purging x people because "it's global politics" and that I'm "too American" to understand. The same people who told me that the US president can't affect the rest of the world's politics because "each country has their own independent government."
I swear, if I told these people that I had cancer in my toe, they'd tell me to not get it treated because it's not anywhere important.
To my knowledge there have been people here on Lemmy stating that it would be best if he stepped down. Oh gentle Canadian neighbors:
Whaaat is happening up there, my dudes?
Shits kinda on fire and it's probably like 50% the USs fault.
But we kind of tend to start getting pissy with our pms after about 10 years,
Trudeau is poison to the Liberal brand. In Canada we don't vote parties in, we vote parties (and leaders) out. Trudeau has been PM for just over 9 years, the 7th longest serving PM.
What will happen is we'll vote the Cons in, they'll make hilariously huge mistakes like they always do, get 1-2 terms, then get voted out in favour of another Liberal government. If you go back throughout our history we have almost exactly 2-1 Lib - Con governments by time in office.
Poilievre is an anti-abortion career politician who is going to try to ape what Trump did, only every time he speaks he loses votes. He has a whiny voice and is widely referred to as 'Milhouse' because, well, he looks like Milhouse. He's not a strong-man and his public speaking is embarrassing. He'll brown nose Trump as much as he can and absolutely eat it when Trumps policies fuck our economy.
This doesn't sound terrible?
In Australia, it feels like the inverse. We generally have conservative governments until they do something particularly abhorrent and lose government for a term.
We're presently enjoying our once-in-a-decade progressive government term and sadly I feel they have squandered their term. They seem determined to ignore the core responsibility of making life better for everyone and instead waste political capital on fanciful notions like banning sheep exports and frivolous changes to the constitution.
That's a lot of bias.
Politically speaking, hes doing the right thing. The mandate of the people kind of requires it. Its not good for anything other than the expectations of democracy and the system set up for him and canadian citizens.l as a whole. Like, long term world implications im not thrilled, but the writing is on the walls. Its a "you want to make this bed, fine, sleep in it" sort of situation. He has no mandate now.
I know that i will hate what comes next, and i know it feels like he and his party is rolling over, and i know canadians, much like usa citizens with trump, are playing with a stacked deck. But personally, ill stand here with the odds stacked against. Having faith in the systems we have set up, that we will survive this too.
I believe in a fucking system. Thats why i was not protesting today when trump got certified. Trudeau stepping down is correct. And ill die on the hill that i will help maintain that system. When someone breaks that system however, unlike our brothers to the north, ive got loads of guns and a very ignorant population to convince. But I will abide by our democratic institutions and hold faith in them as far as i can.
Inflation(read: gouging) is a massive problem which isn't being tackled, housing is unaffordable, and the medical systems are underfunded (due in part to the exploitative US system). There's also some conflict in our relations with Mexico which I'm personally pissed about but I don't think most are concerned with.
The opposition party is headed by a far right "populist" who claims the current status quo is "authoritarian socialism" and is supported by Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk.
Liberals are upset with Trudeau for failing to fix the issues listed above and offering no counter to some of the legitimate populist policies Pierre champions.
This is not an issue isolated to Canada, this same story - give or take a few details - is playing out all over the Western world. The liberals are being exposed as lame ducks and losing the support of the people, leaving the faux-populist far right to take their place, in the conspicuous absence - or rather, enforced impotence - of left-populists. The status quo is falling apart and fascism is returning in force, largely unopposed.
Well, up in Canada, we also have scumbag conservatives. Same as yours, they talk about the cost of everything and the value of nothing. And they work to convince the hillbillies to vote for tax breaks they won't get to offset highwr costs they don't mention. And American healthcare.
So now you're up to speed. Rafael Cruz is half-canadian, apparently, and that's the half he is.
Pretty soon we'll have our own Kamal-eh to lose this next election, and hospitals will sell shares.
Would that I could believe otherwise.
Nothing. This is the SAME SHIT THAT HAPPENED IN 1993, except it was a conservative PM then (Mulroney). The last generation of them that cared to be a leader for all sides. Harper was outright an enemy to decency.
Nowadays, the notion of self-sacrifice for utilitarian ethics is a rarified trait; and utterly non-existent on the right of the aisle. Run the thought experiment for yourself and simulate a republican or a conservative candidate doing the right thing. It's good for a laugh.
We just had the worst decade of governing our country ever had and we are spiralling out of control in debt, cost of living and hope. It's amazing how much damage one man can do in a decade.
It’s amazing how much damage one man can do in a decade.
You said it; took Corporate income tax from 22% down to 15% tax; the worst expansion of GDP since the great depression; slowest export growth in post WW2 history; prevented more government employees of speaking out than any other government; massive voter suppression; pled guilty to exceeding national election advertising limits; foreign affairs minister resigned after it was revealed that he had left classified NATO documents at his girlfriends house; constantly closing regional veterans affairs offices; when he refused to release documents on the issue of torture of enemy combatants, and prorogued Parliament in December, 2009, then shutting down the parliamentary committee that was probing the abuse allegations; threatened the supreme court when they wouldn't ratify his choice for a new justice; allowed a senior cabinet minister to personally direct a $50-million “legacy” fund, funnel millions in infrastructure to his Muskoka riding - Municipalities far from the actual summit site were given hundreds of thousands of dollars for sidewalk improvements, parks, and most infamously, a gazebo. A subsequent investigation by the auditor general showed funds were doled out with no bureaucratic oversight or paper trails. The cabinet minister was later promoted to president of the Treasury Board, the department that oversees government spending; ruled in contempt of parliament twice - first when the international aid minister lied about the defunding of charitable organization KAIROS, and second with the cabinet’s refusal to reveal the costs of corporate tax cuts, criminal justice measures, and the beleaguered F-35 fighter jet program.
So who is Musk going to replace him with?
By the sound of it, his own party gets to pick a new leader to carry out his term. So we may have to wait for their next election before Elon gets can to buy Canada.
I could be completely wrong though I dont know anything about Canadian political systems.
The current government is a minority government, so the opposition parties can force an election whenever. By law, the next election has to occur by October 5th, but the opposition will likely trigger an election at the earliest opportunity. This is why Trudeau also delayed the next next sitting of parliament until March, to allow the party to elect a new leader before the inevitable election.
Long story short, the Conservatives will likely be in power by summer.
Whoa, what news have I been missing out of Canada?
Inflation is high, quality of life is slipping, etc. Everyone thinks he should be doing more and the Liberals don't like his odds if an election is called.
The dude has been plagued by scandals for the past decade. It's honestly shocking that he managed to last this long.
I'm surprised by the backlash, this is Liberal's only chance. I know it's fun for the armchair political analysts to poke fun at the ones analyzing for money, but we can all see the same writing on the wall. Incumbents are fuckin losing, all around the world, to far-right challengers. The U.S. Democratic tried and utterly failed to change the optics on their party being responsible for corporations using a fucking pandemic as a smokescreen to tighten the clamps of late-stage capitalism with price hikes that will never come down. Liberal still has to find a way to sell change from the status quo if they want to stay in power, so they're taking a gamble. Maybe the issue really was that Biden dropped out too late, or maybe Americans really are dumber than Canadians. Either way, it was take this gamble of have a guaranteed loss. It'll be interesting to see who takes Trudeau's place, and whether they can sell themselves as enough of a difference in the ~8 months they'll have.
what labor? trudeau is the head of the liberal party
that's my bad, it's early and I got my centrist L parties mixed up.
I'll be honest, I have some degrees of separation from Canadian politics as an American, so I miss a lot of the political news about the country. However, I also live in Minnesota and passively absorb a lot more Canadian politics than the average American.
The PM isn't directly elected, they're selected by the majority party in the House of Commons. To me, his long term in office is a monument to the fear North American liberals have towards change. Politics in Canada have also been shifting towards a progressive left/MAGA-esque political split due to the US. I think Canada will be facing a choice between the NDP and the Conservatives. If the Ontario governor is anything to go by, the Conservatives will be more than happy to work closely with Trump.
I'm so separatef from Canadian politics I genuinely can't tell if people even liked him or not.
Oh snap elections?
Proroguing Parliament for 2½ months to pick a new leader isn't a good look for the Liberals on this one, but I can see why they went for it. That's a lot of news cycles for things to cool off before a likely election.
I doubt it will be enough to keep the anti-trans bigot party from winning a majority government, sadly.
Are you Canadian?
I wonder who gets to play the role of Kim Campbell this time?
He said something about not moving forward with electoral reform being his greatest regret. Canadians, help me out here: could he still not just pass a bill immediately implementing the reforms suggested by the committee on election reform from like 8 years ago? Surely the NDP would support it.
📢 🚛
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish shit, Trudeau
Been a long time coming. Trudeau can’t take a dump without running it by his corporate overlords first. And he flooded the country with more immigration than the infrastructure can handle, simply because his handlers demanded he provide them with cheap & exploitable labor.
But his party is completely corporate captured, and I don’t see them being able to produce anyone better. What’s extremely concerning is some people are floating Freeland as a replacement, who has repeatedly exposed herself as a Nazi sympathizer if not one herself, so there is some level of support in the party for embracing the race towards fascism to appease the corporate class and oppose the growing discontent of the working class.
Too bad NDP is too corrupt and incompetent to provide a better option.
found another dufus. the only people cheering are the "fuck Trudeau" camp who are too daft to realize that we'll get much worse instead or who know this and want it.
the world slides further away from progress.
I'm not Canadian but fuck Trudeau and the liberal party for campaigning on replacing First-past-the-post voting and then shrugging his shoulders and doing jack shit when the election was over.
We really are more alike then we like to admit. Just the same humans in a different location.
Here is a video on the history of council housing in the UK. Seems like yall need to share it with each other up north der (us too, thanks).
Here we go again with the "laZe-eR EvE'UhL" and "trollolol problem" but Canada-style.
Shouldn't this make you and others demand reform from Liberal Party? Or support New Democratic Party which is far more progressive? And before you mention about the two party system, it's quite weak in Canada compared to the American system. After all, the Canadian Tories went extinct despite having been a force to reckon with.
The reason the world is regressing is because of champagne socialists and limousine liberals forcing salt of the earth people to choose for the "lazer eve'uhl" who will do nothing substantial but for their corporate overlords.