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What We Lose When Streaming Companies Choose What We Watch

  • I’ve come across this streaming platform limitation problem a lot. I’m not tied to any particular streaming services, but a lot of the post-2019 (or so) media found on them is completely unknown to everyone, including people who have those services. It’s wild how difficult it is to find copies of some real gems, because they launched on some obscure site or minor-market-share service, and basically died.

    People who do happen to have those minor platforms usually don’t use them as much as the bigger ones, or they swap between platforms so frequently they miss stuff that’s not new or whatever it happens to be, but whatever the cause, the effect is that a lot of media, even stuff available right now on streaming, is almost impossible to find (even on a ship!) and nobody has heard of it.

    I used to assume that obscure media is bad, and that used to be sort of mostly true, but it isn’t anymore. Obscure now just means it’s newer and wasn't advertised heavily, which is most of it, or is in rights limbo.