It is a dilatory tactic to split the conversation and turn into left right circle jerk or anything really as long as the plebs don't talk about Israeli genocide and war crimes.
This tactic is used for anything that owner or any sovereign doesn't like.
It works too.
Luigi and Gencoide are two exceptions where they could not turn public opinion. So thre do appear to be some limits to gen pop larping talking points they been fed by the media/influcer/politicians whores.
That's why they want to end internet privacy. Aint nobody gonna be posting their support for the based Gigachad we call Luigi if they lock you up just for typing the words
Well there is no privacy if spooks are out to get you. I think that's why they made up terrorist charges for Luigi, so now all the glowies can "help"
They could USSR repression route but that's hard to enforce if population as a whole won't larp teevee talking points as instructed.
They have a huge PR issue that no amount of censorship can fix. Going after that lady, was a over reaction and it showed how pathetic these parasites really are. Using the state like their person towel boys and the feds obligated, like a good little bitch.
The recent US general election was, as usual, a face-off between the two predominant parties. The incumbent party, while nominally being the relative "left" party, continued the unbroken support the US has provided to Israel since its conception, despite recent genocidal activity. There are some who insisted that, while that support is reprehensible and isn't representative of the will of the left, the alternative party would be just as bad for Palestine while also being worse by most other metrics (including LGBTQ+ rights).
There are some who suggest that those insisting such a thing are shills or intelligence agents, logging into niche leftist spaces to manufacture tepid consent, rather than individuals expressing genuine concerns.
There's a weird attempt here at a counter narrative around Palestine. So, some people accounts really spam the idea of association of one set of ideas with another. I've been called a genocide apologist for suggesting that perhaps it would still have been better had the Democrats won... Well, let's not get into that argument, but my point is that there are some accounts that really push up the moral outrage around this one particular point and try to spam its association with others. So basically any point one might make about Democrat policy would probably count here, anyway.