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  • This is especially hilarious because so much of this rhetoric came from Trump himself! He basically established his political voice by playing peanut gallery through the whole Obama presidency and pushing birther nonsense.

    We all know that this is a bullshit statement that Republicans trot out to try and shame people into not opposing them, that’s a given. But to use that to defend Trump, who spent all of the Obama presidency doing EXACTLY that loudly and vocally is a special level of irony.

  • I told a story about how one of the only time I stood up to my awful mother was about this very thing.

    I spent time complaining about Bush, and my mother would always whine that you "have" to support the president.

    The minute Obama won, she came to me parroting some sort of Fox nonsense, and I engaged her for a while before realizing, "You have to support the president!" She pointed out that I didn't blindly support Bush, and I answered that I believe it's the job of all citizens to question their government (as I openly criticized Obama many times), but she believed you have to "support the president," so when she didn't, she was a hypocrite.

    One of the few times I pushed back, and one of the few times she was actually silenced by logic. A memory I hold dear.

  • In the infamous words yelled at Obama by Joe Wilson: " YOU LIE"

    They were behind him with a knife in his back at every opportunity from his first day in office. :

    Here’s John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: “We’re going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

  • When Trump lost in 2020 he abused every possible thing he could to try and hold onto power including a (thankfully) unsuccessful coup attempt.

  • Even if they did, I'm not standing behind a conservative kid-fucking shitrag. Habba'tcha cry about it.

  • Doesn’t matter. It’s not an equal playing field. She can lie and no one who cares will change anyone's mind.