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  • No Man’s Sky for sure will be one I play a lot. I also need an Arceus, so I am going to have to get Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, or Shining Pearl.

  • I finally decided to go further than the elevator in MGS, so probably that, and hopefully follow up with the whole franchise (i only played mgs5 for about 5 hours).

    I also started playing Black Book, interesting deck building game !

  • I've just got sifu from egs and will probably get either dreadhunter or windblown somewhere down the line. Along with regular runs on Dead Cells that I'm deeply addicted to.

  • I finally got to Pillars of Eternity. (Not very surprisingly) It gives me strong Baldurs Gate 1 vibes, and it is pretty good so far.

  • I've got Pentiment and Persona 5 ready to go. I'll probably start Pentiment first since it's undoubtedly shorter.
    Balatro looks really tempting, too, but I'd want that for my laptop or phone (?) and not my gaming PC.

  • Started my year off with a new computer and a portal speed run! Sub 27 mins with no quick saving was a solid start to the year.

    Actually, playing portal on max graphics and getting 60fps was the real solid start 😅

    • Oh man I loved the Portal games. I’m assuming sub-27 is good, I’m pretty sure my shortest time is like 4 hours or something

      • It's ok world record is something like 14 iirc, but lowest I've been able to score was sub 23

  • Just started Disgaea 1. For whatever reason I've bounced off this game half a dozen times since first trying it all the way back at release, but I've more or less settled into a groove with it now.

    Having a good time with it, though I'm wondering if I should pick up a manual or something somewhere. Kind of obtuse systems and details I'd normally be able to get out of the UI, but not here.

    • I've had games where it can take a few tries to get into it. Some of them have ended up being my favorite games.

      • Yeah, my gaming experience lately has been a bit of tension between sticking it out and learning when to drop stuff.

        I didn't like the Trails series at first but the fourth and fifth games ended up being all-time favorites. This one's not going to get to that point, but it's also part of a larger series that could have a lot of fun gameplay to mess around with.

  • I am currently playing ORAS, BOTW and Rayman Legends, after finishing at least one of them I'll start with Metroid Zero Mission for once, to break that nightmare deal I did to myself of not playing more metroidvanias until I get to finish Super Metroid and SOTN!

  • Return to Moria has been really fun! Playing online with my buddy all day the last two days.

    Pretty slow moving for a survival/crafting game, but we're both big Tolkien fans and the fan service is pretty great.

    Boss fights have been quite interesting and when progression finally happens it feels really satisfying.

  • Continuing Metaphor: ReFantazio. It's the most consistently polished game Atlus made (that I played) in years, though maybe SMT VV has a chance once I get to it. The only ones that come to mind are Persona 5/Royal (however much I prefer P3 and P4), and Etrian Odyssey V. Both of which had longer development times compared to their series, who knew?

    My only complaint is that it doesn't have any 10/10 aspect that I'd love, most of my favourite games are somewhat flawed anyway, as long as they have that special aspect that clicks. But then, Persona 3 had nothing like that until the endgame, so there's still time for it to surprise me.

  • Playing through the entire Dragon Age series, then Pillars of Eternity and Sea of Stars.

  • Psychonauts 2. I picked it up for 80% off during the autumn Steam sale and just getting around to playing it.

    I also picked up It Takes Two and have been playing that with my wife.