If it’s a legitimate assault, the male body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
If you carry a sign reading "you deserve to be raped" then you can't complain about being clubbed on the head, because you obviously are a waste of genetic material
No one deserves to be hurt. Unfortunately, some people do ask for it.
This guy was absolutely asking for it.
This guy was absolutely asking for it.
Literally yes. It seems people are unfamiliar with this type of grift, which was made popular by the Westboro Baptist Church. Show up somewhere and say the most inflammatory (but not directly threatening) things possible until somebody gets fed up and assaults you, then sue that person for damages.
I'd argue quite a number of people deserve to be hurt, and this prick is definitely one of them.
Your body, my choice to hit it with a baseball bat.
There was once a time when "Fighting Words" were a viable defense in cases like these, and that sign certainly qualifies as fighting words.
It's ridiculous that it's not a viable defense now. They've empowered bullies from childhood onwards.
Because the state has a monopoly on violence.
You are not allowed to do violence yourself, you must petition the government to do violence for you. And the government will decide how and when it is appropriate to do violence on your behalf.
So, for example, a white nationalist Nazi saying all women deserve to be raped is not a justifiable reason to do violence.
But a brown person living peacefully where oil is IS reason to do violence. Ok?
A group of people demanding that all LGBTQ+ people be sterilized or executed, no reason to do violence.
Those people defending themselves, now we need to do violence. Got it?
I assume you are right, but has anyone actually tried it?
goes to check wikipedia
In Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), even speech such as "Bury the removeds" and "Send the Jews back to Israel," was held to be protected speech under the First Amendment in a per curiam decision.
Oh. I guess I was right to assume that you were right in saying that it's not a viable defense to things like that. Ugh. Depressing. I was so hoping to be wrong in assuming you're right.
thems be fightin' words
I mean, strutting around with his cranium exposed like that, it was only a matter of time.
BONK go to horny actual jail
If a jury of your peers see fit.
(I wouldn't)
I think pre-commentor meant the bonked dumbass
Grass grows, birds fly, and brother? I BONK people
He's still standing in the picture, we should let her try again
I guess we could all have a turn at the human piñata.
"I shouldn't have stuck around" he said...
Captain obvious right there
That is absolutely horrific, disgusting and vile. Has anyone checked if the bat is ok?
Hit him again.
I literally said "FUCK YES" out loud when I read this.
Now time to be around him with a sign reading, “You deserve to be hit on the head with a bat.” I’m certain he’d agree.
I've been playing far too much brawl stars. I heard the "wack" in my head and exhaled air out muh nose. 10/10
I mean, if anyone deserves to be raped it is someone holding a sign threatening rape
I think she used the baseball bat incorrectly in this particular situation. Opportunity missed!
He had it coming. I'd even say he doesn't deserve to be raped, just because it's such a terrible act.
But I'm all for the assault in this situation. As I said, he was asking for it.
Where's the damn video? Aluminum or a Louisville Slugger? Hopefully she's a softball player.
There's a video in this article of the moment, tho you can't see her hit him. He's holding the camera and she walks up behind him and clocks him. From the sound of it, the bat was aluminum
I sure hope her bat didn’t get dented, it can be a real pain to find one that swings just right.
Those who live by the sword...
...die by the Bonk.