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  • Front yard planting has been done. The augur to go on the drill worked well & made digging holes one handed much easier. I was very careful to make sure I was wearing gloves.

    A couple of the plants might not have survived the wait, but I planted them anyway in case they are able to regrow from the roots. I've just got a few more plants to go in the shady spots and down the side of the house and that will be everything.

  • I may have been convinced to try karaoke tonight. May have confirmed my knowledge that my enthusiasm for singing is not entirely matched by my talent. Heaps fun though. So good to have stupid fun with friends and family. Laughed so much I nearly threw up.

  • Set up podium tennis. Children have massive fight with each other. Have a few angry hits myself after they storm inside. Why HIT can't HIT we HIT just HIT have HIT fun HIT like HIT a HIT normal HIT fucking HIT family HIT It was hard to put in the lawn because, although lush and spongey to walk on, the ground is so hard. Gonna need a deeper hole. Brought it in so it doesn't get rusty when it rains, which it looks like it will soon. Now I feel a bit flat because the fun thing wasn't fun for them. I'm gonna stop pouting and make some bolognaise I think.

    • podium tennis

      Have to admit I have no idea what that is.

      • Actually I think it might be called totem tennis and I miss named it? It's a pole you stick into the lawn with a tennis ball on a long string attached to the top on a spiral so it spins around when you hit it. You get a couple of bats with it and you can play solo or with two people.