Sauce Rule
Sauce Rule
Sauce Rule
I worked with an autistic kid for a couple years whose grandmother insisted that eating red dye made him very agitated. I didn’t really buy it but kept foods with red dye away from him. One day he got his hands on another kid’s food that had red dye and he went BONKERS for the next couple hours. So red dye making some kids act crazy is real.
You are correct. It’s been scientifically studied and documented. Red 40 is banned in CA as of three days ago for this exact reason.
Years, not days yeah?
not my red 40, how are my sodas supposed to be a nice yummy unnatural shade of red?
Can’t have too many credible sources.
Inb4: the idiots see a source link and immediately downvote thinking I’m trying to debunk some folksy truth they want to believe over reality.
This was unnecessarily antagonistic.
I had a friend in college who said it made her super hyper, so I believe it. She was responsible by that point being an adult and all, so she was quick to ask and avoid it.
Totally anecdotal, I've been getting respiratory issues and extreme tiredness from red and orange sodas. And that's entirely reproducible. So I had to cut them out of my diet for good.
My four year old isnt allowed red dye, the few times he's had candy with red dye have been the absolute worst meltdowns or bedtimes imaginable.
Had it, 30 minutes later loosing his mind.
I wonder how much of this is correlation with high sugar sauces/candies that just happen to have Red40 vs Red 40 actually causing it. Anecdotal only goes so far. That being said, get that shit outta here for good.
sugar doesn't make people hyper anyways, this entire comment section seems to be perpetrating nonsense, frankly.
Mmm, yet again, America is right on time for my weekly "WTF?!?!" moment. American horrors are starting to make a lot more sense...
random question, what is that chicken thing called? And can that doughy exterior somehow be recreated at home, ideally without several liters of oil??
"Sweet and Sour Chicken."
I don't know how to make it, but with the name I'm sure you can search for the method online
I've tried in an air fryer before, it wasn't awesome. Definitely edible, but the dough never plumped up or whatever it's called
I've had a local place literally call them Chicken Balls.
I'm not sure if you'd want to Google for a recipe tbh.
Sweet and sour chicken balls. I buy boxes of em frozen, so freaking good to just pig out on
sweet and sour sauce, but the thing you're talking about are chicken balls