The Adjuster watching from his hidey hole as authorities try to pin everything on some random dude named Luigi
The Adjuster watching from his hidey hole as authorities try to pin everything on some random dude named Luigi
The Adjuster watching from his hidey hole as authorities try to pin everything on some random dude named Luigi
Idk about y'all, I'm 70% confident Luigi is the perp. I think that (assuming Luigi is the perp) he wanted to either:
[1] Eventually get caught, but merely delayed it to see reactions on social media, so that no innocent person becomes a scapegoat, and also for the purposes of getting more media coverage via the "manhunt" so his Manifesto/reasons for doind it is more widely spread. (I mean, it did last a few days on the news, so that was a lot of media coverage)
[2] He had more targets to "depose" but got caught before being able to do so.
You need to accept this dude isn't the criminal mastermind you want him to be, I think.
I don't believe his plan was to get caught at all, maybe he had other targets, maybe he didn't, but he was caught because he made some bone headed mistakes.