Tattoos = graffiti, guys
Tattoos = graffiti, guys
Tattoos = graffiti, guys
Why is it always femme people this bullshit is directed at? Why aren't the hyper masculine tattooed manosphere influencers ever chastised for their jingoistic tribal alt right nazi sigils engraved on their bodies?
Because graffiti is artwork you do on someone else's property.
And in the maga brain, a man's body is his own, but a woman's body...¯(ツ)_/¯
In a word yes. And also the inherent threat of violence that allows for the patriarchy that precludes misogyny.
I just Googled "anti tattoo meme" and most of them were making fun of macho guys.
I'm sure this was rhetorical... But if not, I think you know why.
Cope much
Graffiti is a spectrum: on one hand, you get beautiful murals that add something to the structure, making it more than what it was.
On the other hand, you get dicks and swastikas.
Tattoos are the same way. There's a difference between someone having a beautiful sleeve done and someone who has TRUMP tattooed on their forehead.
I was stuck at some train tracks in my area, and some of the graffiti on the trains left a gap around the safety information about weight limits and such.
Not all of them did. Those that didn't had to be painted over and re-written, but only the safety section. They left the rest alone.
There was some mutual acceptance happening on both sides of the effort that warmed my heart.
As a graffiti enthusiast, I can say that is definitely part of "the rules". Graffiti has a code of conduct, depite it appearing like anarchy. Many new writers are ignorant of it. Don't tag:
I've never been a fan of tattoos. They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it. That said, they can do whatever the hell they want. It's not my body or problem and they ain't hurting anyone.
depends on the tattoo, there's some adorable ones out there, this one is what me and my sister are gonna get because I love frogs (username) and hers is gonna be a black cat because she has a black cat
Random tattoos that are full black just for the hell of it aren't that interesting, however, you do you boo.
It's all a matter of taste.
This is an adorable tattoo idea!
Depends on the tattoos. These are bad
They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it.
You did the thing where you gave a very personal, subjective, opinion as if it was a pure fact. You probably meant "it distracts me from their beauty" but you wrote it as if it's a universal truth that applies to everyone.
Ehh I dunno... I don't agree with him but we don't have to preface our opinions with "this is just how I feel, but...".
If I say "this pizza is horrible", it's clear that it's just something I think and not everyone has to share that opinion. The subjectivity of the statement kinda speaks for itself y'know?
Maybe not all women actually want you to be looking at them thinking 'Wow, beautiful, yum.' So many women get so much shit from men every day all the time, often since they were still wearing school uniform. Like you say, it's not your body and they ain't hurting anyone. I just think it's really easy to understand why some women want to take ownership of their skin when there's so many arsehole men thinking they've got a right to stare and touch it.
No no, they have a point.
Is that a nazi prison gang sex slave? That's pretty horrific.
God damn thats hot. Someone put a lot of work into that building.
he must work out
I'd fuck that building.
I dunno, I bet it's had thousands of people inside it.
Don't slut shame that building!
Call me whatever you want, but like anything else, too much of a good thing is bad for you.
You stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerf herder!
All freedom to her, and I like tatoos, but I think her assortment of tattoos is a bit ugly.
Dispose of your body as you choose but there is a very fine line that parts complimenting from exagerating. The girl in the photo, for me, is already on exageration territory.
Too much ink, with too many tattoos, with no connecting theme, and taking up areas where ink - again, for me - just doesn't sit right, like hands and throat.
But because opinions are worth nothing, this is all hot air escaping mouths.
The tatoos would not stop me.
Tbh if done nice, i think they can even be attractive.
Turn off the lights.
Keep 'em on, get to read the funnies while bangin'
I keep looking over the picture of the woman, trying to compare it to whatever the other image is of, and I’m not sure what they’re talking about. I’ve gone over every inch of her body and I don’t know what any of this is about. I’m sorry, what’s going on?
Basically they're saying the tattoos make her trashy.
I guess I'm still not understanding it. Time to pour over the picture some more, see if we can't figure it out.
Where’s the other image you speak of?
I don't even know. I must've caught a glimpse of something when I wrote that, but I'll be darned if I can't find it now. There's only the Illustrated Woman that I can see now.
All these comments and not a single one telling me who she is. Smh my head
Reverse image search ftw
The best Christmas present I've gotten so far
how does this relate to the NSFW goth girl fetish community ?
I salute you for informing me of that community
Lemmy has NSFW content?! Since when?
google "lemmynsfw" there's a dedicated instance for NSFW
She makes much more sense when you undo the mirroring whichever dipshit created this did. The backwards texts in crazy fonts were breaking my brain.
I appreciate the commitment in both cases. Whoever climbed out to do the graffiti at the top of the building had some guts.
Some phones have mirroring enabled by default when taking selfies
I'd rather be in her than in that building.
Having that obvious joke out of the way; fuck these dumb comparisons. Though I would not recommend anyone wallpapering themselves, if she is happy this way then stop bitching. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean she doesn't either. That is trump thinking
Oh my god! I bet she's on one of those disgusting porn sites too! But which one? There are so many. Can someone point me in the right direction so I can make sure to blacklist it.
Her name is Brooke Bradshaw.
They don't understand consent.
Exactly. We never agreed to put that guy in charge of the building; he just inherited it!
That girl needs a larger bikini top.
Goddamn it. I've become my mother.
I think it's intentional
Both looks bad. It's too many tattoos on one hand, and pretty scrambled a bad looking graffiti on the other hand.
Her tattoos do specifically have that "Here's a blank spot where I can put some shit" feel to them.
Like I've seen cool tattoos, hers aren't. Shitty tattoos look like graffiti. And those aren't even "I've got pieces of a BIC pen and some rubbing alcohol, you can draw, right?" shitty tattoos, those are "Hey man it's your forehead. Keep this bandage dry for three days then wash it when you take a shower. That'll be 80 bucks." grade tattoos.
What tattoos?
I think it's the other part of the picture that didn't catch my attention
But I don't want to fuck the building on the right?
"Memes" like this always just come off as jealousy.
I do 🤤
There's a side of bacon
And a minotaur pillow fightin' with Satan
Next to Hello Kitty and a zombie ice skatin' - wait...
It's Ronald Reagan
Holy crap! How many guys have tagged you?
Even the building is kinda cool.
Rather have a woman being awful on the outside than the inside :-)
And the rent is cheaper?
Wonder how old people feel about their tattoos like does it look wierd and saggy.
How do you think old people feel about all the actually old and saggy things? Our actual skin becomes something unrecognizable why would what's on it be expected to stay perfect?
I guess what I'm saying is do they still feel it was worth it. Seeing the canvas warp over time.
I'm also wondering if there are parts of my body that would be better if I wanted to preserve the integrity of a tattoo like my back. I dk.
I've always wondered about this with tongue piercings...
Mainly faded and blurry.
Well the added can be touched up at least.
Art on art is appreciated twice
She's wearing the wrong size bikini top. The cup size on that top is way too small.
Might be intentional, a stylistic choice
Why is that?
See how her boobs are round, but the bikini is flat on the front of them? Her bikini isn't covering her sideboob. This top was designed for a girl with much smaller boobs, they'd be capable of actually bending around a smaller pair. These look like they're stretched over the front, because they are. The bridge (part connecting the cups) also looks to not even be in contact with her chest, because her top can't go all the way down around her boobs. She's probably wearing a sister size with a bigger band and smaller cups, which means the part of the top designed for her underbust is stretching over her boobs.
If she does very much physical activity, the edges of the cups will dig into her boobs, maybe painfully, and there's a risk of slipping if she goes swimming or diving. Bras are designed so your boobs go in the cups, not entirely behind them. This picture doesn't look comfy at all. She might be under the impression she's a C or a D, when her actual cup size is much larger. This is what happens when our society pretends D is the biggest bust size. Thanks to decades of women being misinformed about their clothing, many people have been convinced that this appearance here is just what a big bust looks like in a bikini. So some people go for this look on purpose. That's valid, but it isn't comfortable.
I'm more curious as to how multiple different people tagged all like 8 floors of the building. Maybe it's AI generated?
No, this a local style in Brazil, I think in the city of São Paulo. Look up pixadores. They essentially compete in hitting up crazy spots.
Edit: trailer to a documentary about this sub culture. It’s pretty fascinating.
Maybe it's AI generated?
Have you ever seen an abandoned building in real life?
Have you seen those cars that have every bumper sticker imaginable on them? Also covered with lots of hand-scrawled signs with every random religious/cultish phrase possible. That's the vibe I get from these tattoos.
Just like the vehicles, those body adornments tell me all I want to know about the occupant.
Just like the vehicles, those body adornments tell me all I want to know about the occupan
Like what?
I mean, it's a fairly reasonable comparison aside from the fact the building is shitty. Is it political in any sense? I don't think so.
I fw these heavy🙏😔
She would look way better without the tats. Even this shitty building would look better without this artless crap. And how is this a political take?
That's just like, your opinion, man.
this Camaro is ruined! It's covered in sharpie art!'s still a Camaro
Donny, please
Comparing women to objects tends to be more frowned upon by civilized people, which excludes the right.
You're welcome to find whatever you like attractive. She clearly doesn't care about your opinion.
I'm sure my opinion is as worthless to her as hers is to me. And btw nobody is comparing the woman to the object, the point is that the aesthetic is similar. Applies to all sexes and objects. Imho the building tags are not art, or at least not good art. And her snakes, bugs and Japanese masks are so tired and trite, everyone does the same stuff. Yay.
Because it's essentially saying that her decision to get tattoos is the equivalent of her vandalizing her body. It's a meme criticizing a woman for choosing what she wants to do with her body, which is just a tamer version of "your body my choice".
While true...
It ain't stopping nothing.
Your username would be better if it were a fruit
Your face would be better if it was in the sand
I don't see how this is anywhere on the political spectrum. It's just a little dumb.
And yet the people who make this point are all bunched up in one corner.
Weird I wonder how femme people could be politicized lately