On Tuesday I was taking an Amtrak home from NYC, ~9 hour trip so I hunkered down in the diner car with my laptop for some gaming/YouTube. I ended up hanging out with a farmer named Yakov and then us and another lady one at a time broke out our various liquors and made a party of it.
As much as I generally hate everything all the time, you can't experience life if you don't live.
So many girls have no idea that I was ready to give a beat down to the creepy people around them. If you see a girl alone in a place where they're vulnerable to harassment or attack, keep an eye on them, it could one day save someone's life.
Ah yes, me a girl, being creepy by keeping an eye on other girls.. Okay.
Going on that, when I see others in situations that would make me feel uncomfortable, of course I'm going to keep an eye out so that nothing happens, it's part of the girl code, and you making it weird is weird and shows where your head is..