WordPress.org statement threatens possible shutdown for all of 2025 – Computerworld
WordPress.org statement threatens possible shutdown for all of 2025 – Computerworld

The move likely won’t have direct impact on most enterprise users, but indirect impact — which could be just as bad — is a definite possibility.

“My sense is that many enterprise WordPress administrators will think twice about continuing to use the software under these circumstances,” said IDC Research Manager Michele Rosen. “It’s such a shame to watch a leader in the open source community repeatedly sabotage his own project.”
“At this point, I have real concerns about the impact of Matt Mullenweg’s words and actions on the overall image of open source software,” she added. “Even if he feels that WP Engine’s actions are unethical and the court is wrong, his actions are clearly having an impact on the WordPress ecosystem, including his own business. It seems self-destructive.”