Picking up new hobbies, investing in them far beyond what would be considered a casual interest, then getting bored or disillusioned with the community after 6-24 months.
Foam dart blasters
yo yos
magic the gathering (This was like 15 years)
coin collecting
pocket knives
Currently working on 3D printing, though that's been more of a means to get back into foam blasters because it's far cheaper to print your own blasters and mod parts.
I'm currently in this cycle as well. Ever since getting a job I don't have the time and energy to consistently do something every day, but I do have a lot more money. Given this lack of energy and consistent time, I just go until the period of rapid learning stops and then I become overambitious and lose interest. I think I mostly understand what causes it, but I'm unable to fix it. Once I see what "the pro's" do I become way to ambitious and ruin the fun.
At least I've been able to keep up running as a hobby, which beats sitting still all day.