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just like her ~<3

omygosh fluttershy's so sweet!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

EDIT: Edited me to her

ANOTHER EDIT: hmm i think i was being too hyperagressive with this post, i really didn't wanna make anyone pity me, i'm so sorry. i will not delete this post, however i will try and refrain from creating post similar to this one in the future. i was not trying to be pitied. i was trying to post a thing where people say

woah, so relatable!! no way, you got it right on! nice shot!

but it ended up pulling peeps who are super nice, which is gud, but also made me unreasonably comfy.
if this post were made by someone else, i would totally join y'all and i'd comment

you are literally trolling, u seem super comfycozy an i really hope u find a someone peep who can have the sit-and-drink-tea with u <3 <3 <3

but i cannot with this one! cuz this is my own post! aaaaaaa

  • I made some simplifications and adjustments to compensate for your brainworms :

    Seems like you're on the right track! You just need to go to a tea party and improve your self image <3

    • yeaaa the brainworms.. watched that vid too. i was never on the 4chan tho!!

      but woah that video - it applies to me way too much, even tho i was not on social media platforms that much before the lemmy. and i feel comfy here with peeps like u <3

      • I wasn't referencing that video, or 4chan for that matter. It's more that brainworms is a good term to describe any irrational thought process that empowers self hatred and destructive behavior. The earliest I remember hearing it was Pink Floyd's The Wall:

        • But it was only fantasy
        • The Wall was too high, as you can see
        • No matter how he tried, he could not break free
        • And the worms ate into his brain
  • You are adorable.
    I hope you’ll get invited to tons of tea parties :)

    • awwww thanksies!!! hmm maybe i should not post these kinds of posts cuz i fell like im pulling the wrong types of responses ...
      kinda exactly what i say in the post, where i don wanna make peeps feel uncomfy an so i avoid big sad posts.
      see, hmm maybe this is a good idea. i was really not trying to pull pity comments, which, i understand, yours does not clarify as (yours is just a super comfy nuu u go and get invited to tea perties or else >:3 comment i think).

      a think to look into i assume.

      • Well.... you did kind of set the tone with all the frownies :( Maybe balance it out with some smileys as well? You can never have enough of those :)

        Anyways, yes, you go and enjoy those tea parties. I'll think of you next time I'm having one of my own :)

  • Wanting to become a better listener seems like a generally empathetic thing to do.

    • hmm well i try to be one so i can be one of the peeps who actively say

      i love listening to people babble

      but unfortunately i am not there yet.
      it's hard, i have come to just sit and nod and give interest-affirming sounds like ah - mhm and ooh right ~ but those might sound fak!!11

      also thanksies for commenting on the post, it means a lot to me!!! <3

  • It's way better to have a tea party. And you can have them by yourself.

    I had one this morning with myself and some perfectly brewed tea and some English muffins and my very most favorite earthenware mug.

    There's a whole thing about little girls having tea parties with their stuffed animals. You don't need other people or even stuffed animals!

  • woah, so relatable!! no way, you got it right on! nice shot!

    but also, the fact that i can relate to this all too well makes me sad :(

    also, cheer up! if you want to become somthing, you eventually will!!!

    • Guten Tag, Gandalf der zwölfte.
      omygosh u actually read the unreasonably long edit!?!? there's no waayyyy _

      also thanksies for the eventually will! i'll try to become the something <3