Types of IT guys
Types of IT guys
Types of IT guys
They're all the same person
But, like, are there types of IT women? Asking cause I am one and don't know any tropes for us lol
Go forth and forge your own destiny, free of stereotypes. Or just be Alex from YIIK idk.
Every IT woman I've worked with kicks ass and is really cool, doesn't realize how cool and inspiring they are. Until management, then I have no idea how they got there, they can't seem to use a computer let alone assist with IT related decision making.
I would love to fit that description and I hope my coworkers think I'm cool lol. I never want to be in a position of power in this field because I have already dealt with enough dumb bullshit on the daily lol
Unicorn.... Nah, I'm kidding fortunately for women there's no strong stereotypes. There were enough women in my gigs that the individuality was easily apparent.
Since that's isn't really fun I'll pull some very broad strokes descriptions out my rear end and see which one resonates with you.
The Professional Mom: 8-4:30 on the dot but maximum effort during working hours and never ever seen goofing off or chit chatting (lunch included). Pretty chill though and smart as hell.
The boardgame/crossword girl: most likely to be gender fluid. Don't ever mistake her for "gamer girl". Will happily shoot the shit with you and goof off if you treat her like human being. Will probably have real experiences of getting work/credit stolen by tech bros.
The optimistic young coder: super jazzed about being the in the field and learning everything about anything. A people pleaser to a fault. Give it two to three years before she's completely jaded. Until then, an absolute sponge of knowledge.
The cut throat career track woman: absolutely obsessed with advancing her status. Tech bros learn brutality from these ladies. Usually transition to pure management or product divisions pretty early. Also most likely to organize the "women in tech" meetings for clout in the current company. Stay on their good side for your sake.
All I can think of is Lisbeth slander from the millennium series. That's pretty kickass.
Why are you showing us the same person 4 times?
Starts out as top left, starts taking care of himself and going to the gym, reaches top right and keeps going until getting to bottom left. Meanwhile the bottom right picture gets skinnier over time.
Doesn't have the guy who seems to always be asleep at the desk but is also somehow the most efficient IT worker.
Why do you think they have time to sleep?
If IT is doing everything right then most of the time there won't be much for them to do. I'd much rather they spent most of their time waiting for incident tickets than constantly putting out fires.
I generally sleep during the day, skips the useless meetings. Then I go to the office around 8pm and crank out profit for my corporate overlords. They (mostly) understand it's better for them this way, and I meet all the expectations of office attendance and social gatherings.
This meme shows you don't work in IT.
Ikr. Where are the near retired 50 year old who are stagnating the tech just to avoid getting fired and the 2 overworked employees who are the smes in everything for the department.
We have two IT guys, one of them is three of these and the other is the fourth. The guy who is all three is actually the anime girl on VR Chat in his spare time :)
I'm guessing the other guy's a furry then.
Both are, just one is in denial
I'm not the bottom two, that much I know.
I can't grow a beard... oh no.
This is a weird political compass
At least it's not lost
Got a coworker on my team who is type 4. He's the glue that holds the team together, nobody knows anywhere as much as he does.
If he ever leaves, the whole team is screwed and the project is dead in the water.
... it's mostly the top left.
Source: i resemble the top left (although i still have my hairline)
It's 90% of the IT people at my jobs and I had quite a few.
I was like fuck that's me. My hairline isn't great but I'm in my early 50s.
it needs more bottom left
Somehow it's missing the clean cut Indian developer guy, the emo developer, the script kiddie, the Linux fan, the windows fan, the IBM frat boy, the open BSD lunatics and the one guy who loves trains too much
Indian guy - top right
Emo developer - top left
Script kiddy - top left
Linux fan - top left
Windows fan - top left
Ibm frat boy - top right
Open BSD lunatics - bottom left
Guy who loves trains too much - bottom right
I see this as more of a quadrant chart
Number 1 is number 3 when online.
Number 2 is number 4 when at the convention.
There are 2 types of IT guys.
Needs more nuance
Would go great on !politicalcompassmemes@lemmy.world
I guess I'm top left. If it has to be that three. I'm pretty sure whoever came up with that needs to show us where IT touched them on the Anatomically Neutral doll.
I recognize these tropes except top right, who is he?
Lumberjack coffee programmer
Trans masc guy in the office
yiiking out
im the one in the top left without the acne and glasses. fite me.
That's me
Why are there 3 or 4 pictures of Vaush?
Top left and bottom right are same guy
Damn almost forgot about YIIK
am bottom left :3c
am bottom :3
left :3c
also ngl may become the bottom right pic in the future lmao
What makes you do those things? Just curious.
So you're... a bottom. And left.
This image is frighteningly accurate. The IT guy at my current job is top left. The IT guy at my last job was top right. My friend from my discord server who works in IT has said for years that everyone who works in IT is either a neckbeard, a femboy, or a furry. He's a furry.
Why are none of them Noel Fielding?
noel isn't actually an IT guy, he's the random guy that broke into your building but is too chill to be kicked out.
Also he's kinda funny.
The Inquisition has no power over the Adeptus Mechanicus, meat sack!
Can I please have a number 3 + number 4?
I think you mean stages*
There are 4 stages of IT guy
Top left is just a Discord/Reddit moderator. 🤷🏻♂️
ew. i may kinda look like that guy but i wouldn't touch disord/reddit with a 50ft pole anymore
Correct. Except flannel and catboy are also furries.
All of them are. Furry porn is what keeps IT people sane. It’s weird but I didn’t make the rules
Am the numero 4 / bottom right (except too poor for fursuit yet). Sometimes pretend to be a 2. Have two colleagues who work IT at a municipal service. The first is a 1 who pretends to be a 3 and the second is a 3 who pretends to be a 1. Even I find myself at a loss at them sometimes.
I’m #1
Top right is the guy I want to be! Total chad!
I don't get what top right is supposed to be. Or bottom left for that matter
As someone doing IT for over two decades, I guess I'm somewhere in the top half of the image? I don't care for anime that much so no bottom right and fursuits creep me out so not bottom right.
the four types of men*
A little “narrow minded” here leaving out the Indians, Mexicans, Eastern European, and Chinese.
Didn't realize those nationalities were exclusive with these categories.
Really? I don’t see them represented
It'd be more realistic if it was a Venn diagram with muscle bro and sailor moon girl. I'd be in the middle.