Nice means of production you got there
Nice means of production you got there
Nice means of production you got there
In the US, we do not have to worry about this because we outsourced our entire means of production. We are fully-dependent on slave labor, foreign and domestic, just like the founding fathers intended.
For an in-depth look at modern globalized production and the split between rich exploiter nations and the working poor in the global south, I highly recommend John Smith - Imperialism in the 21st century.
Some good introductory essays before diving into that book:
☭ Workers of the world, unite! ☭
My intro Marxist reading list in case anyone wants it
Seizing the means of production seemed more reasonable when there were actually people producing things. Nowadays seems like it'd be more of the call for a robot uprising.
Commodities are still produced, just largely in the Global South. The Global North needs to re-industrialize and even the load.