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Video shows BART cop shooting at woman driving away in Union City station parking lot

  • Deadly force deployment for (checks notes) expired registration. I feel safer already...

  • Poblete tells the woman that he and his partner want to render aid and says, "You were dragging us."

    She wasn't, he shot 3 times while there was distance between them and they were not dragged.

    These types of officers put themselves into situations like this where their own life is allegedly in danger because they want to use it as some sort of legal justification for murder.

  • The woman appears to interrupt the officer several times as he attempts to explain state law regarding operating a vehicle.

    Bullshit. The officers took what seemed to be a finished interaction and then started escalating things and didn't allow her a chance to respond. The BART cops were behaving in a very suspicious way, and to be honest I would be getting worried that they were going to become violent just from how they were talking.

    Clearly she was right to fear for her safety.