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  • Good to not forget that normal people are capable of atrocious behavior.

    • Normal people are very adaptive to the boring routine, may it be counting inventory or counting skulls. I'm pretty much afraid not of psycos who do evil things intentionally, but of normal people who do them 9to5 without a thought, and then go back to shopping, care for their children and elderly, and resting like that.

  • 10% of people are decent, 10% evil and the other 80% will just go where they think is best for them - Susan Sontag

    An unrelated example, an estinated 11000 people die every year in Australia from transport pollution, try and redo how we do things based on that horrifying data ? Crickets and push back, 30 a fucking day for decade after decade, way more then any war or terrorist event. Oh we are gassing jews, gays and gypsies, of course we are!

    Traffic pollution likely causes more than 11,000 premature deaths in Australia a year.

    Now back in Madison Square Gaden a few years before the posted photo

    And then to a Trump supporer

    History doesn't repeat but it does rhyme.