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Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD."

Trope or not, gods just end up being a common target for games about heroes escalating in power while fighting increasingly world-destroying consequences.

So, for each post, name a game and describe it, with the assumption being that every description automatically ends with the phrase:

"...and then it ends with you fighting a god."

  • Kirby Superstar: Milky Way Wishes. Ohh you think it's a game about pink ball stopping the sun and moon from fighting? NOPE, here's a jester with power of god.

    Pokemon. Technically you don't end with fighting god but somewhere you're fighting a pokemon that's basically god of something.

    Also does Hades count lol.

    • You can always spot a Kirby fan based on how they react to a butterfly appearing late into the game.

    • Even better for Pokemon, God (Arceus) lets you capture it in a pokeball

      • Even better, Arceus is given out for free like christmas in the og gen 4. Only in the remake they have you battle and capture it.

  • Path of Exile has you clearing out the entire pantheon. Then the main campaign is over and you begin the post-game part, which is what actually matters.

    • Divinity Original Sin
    • Soul Reaver through to Legacy of Kain - Defiance (Elder God)
    • Titan Quest
    • Shin Megami Tensei
    • Cat Quest
    • Hades
    • Smite
    • Mortal Kombat?
  • The Age of Mythology campaign. It starts with you heading to the Trojan War because some pirates stole your statue's trident…

  • Kid Icarus Uprising. You play as a goddess's right hand man, and end up fighting several other gods.

  • Yakuza 0 goes through all the emotions with its storytelling: you start by singing karaoke, then become a fugitive, you go bowling, lose a friend, watch a dirty video...

    Also, holy shit, most of you guys missed the point. Edit: Wait, did I miss the point? I thought this post was about wrong games for funsies

    Though you DO actually fight a god in Yakuza 5 as a sidequest.