Edit: ah, most of my questions would of course have been answered by actually reading it...
Yeah, but kind of a weird choice for first pick. Already not alot of PSVR2, and even fewer that have bought the dongle to use it for PCVR... how much crossover is there with PSVR2 owners and Apple Vision owners? I don't even think sony sells just PSVR2 controllers separately, though you'd have to hope something like this would finally change that.
Just weird when there are cheaper, more easily accessible and more widely manufactured options that can already be bought individually.
If you just mean a steam controller as in The steam controller, it should already work. If you mean Vive or Valve VR controllers, then yeah. Or any of the meta touch controllers, those are everywhere at this point and easy to buy separately from a headset if you don't already have some.