Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ cast a cis man to play a trans woman
Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ cast a cis man to play a trans woman
Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ cast a cis man to play a trans woman
Yes. And Robert De Nero isn’t Irish. And Hayden Christensen has all his limbs. Heath Ledger wasn’t gay. Tom Hanks doesn’t have a learning disability. Al Pacino has his eye sight. Geoffrey Rush doesn’t have a speech impediment.
Acting is a skill, studios want actors. It’s nice when the actor’s life matches the part, but it isn’t a requirement and you shouldn’t try to invoke rage by pretending it should. What’s more important is how well the “cis” person played the part assigned to him.
even though you're right, there's a controversial area where it descends into blackface and nobody should go there.
Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder would like to disagree.
There is a right way and a wrong way to do anything, nothing is sacred. It doesn't matter who plays the character so long as the role is done justice in context.