Which of the World's Richest People Inherited Their Wealth?
Which of the World's Richest People Inherited Their Wealth?
Which of the World's Richest People Inherited Their Wealth?
Mackenzie Scott built Amazon alongside of Bezos. She didn’t inherit it nearly as much as she just got her split. She is just as complicit in what Amazon has become.
In fairness, I think she's been trying to give away nearly all her money to many charities. It's just that billions is such a huge amount it can literally take awhile to give it away.
If you've ever watched Brewster's Millions you'll see even that amount is hard to get rid of on purpose.
More evidence that this kind of wealth disparity does not occur without generational wealth. Show me a super rich person, and I'll show you a nepo-baby.
Hard cycle to break.
Hard to fail when you lose upwards.
Needs more jpeg
Maybe an issue with your Lemmy client, it looks fine to me
Yeah seriously need something printer quality
It’s missing the Heineken heir. Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken, she’s worth $14B
So assume this list is incomplete and is missing more heirs.
If the wealth listed in this post were distributed evenly to every citizen of the US, each would receive an over $3000 windfall
List is lousy with Waltons...
And Waltons and Mars.
Mackenzie Scott didn't inherit billions ....
Technically. So much technically. She's also the only one on there who is personally famous for her philanthropy. She's given something like 17 billion dollars away.
In a note about billionaires, her fortune still grew.
All of them.
Not Oprah. Probably all 1999 other known billionaires to a greater or lesser degree, though. Social mobility is rung-by-rung; you can do multiples in theory but you have to get really lucky that many times in a row.
To be fair we aren't shown any information on those that didn't inherit large amounts, which likely do exist.
How come there are no muslims on these lists?
I imagine they just get less coverage
İf you want to do research for yourself, find the top three holdings of Morocco, Egypt, Arabia, Turkey and Indonesia
The Aramco shareholders should be on the list.
Could be because they consider usury a sin, and that's basically how most of these people got wealthy?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what usury is.
Usury is for-profit moneylending, basically. The Fidelity lady would count, the others are harder to say, either because it's a different sector or something I've never heard of it.
There's Muslim definitely-hereditary gotta-be-billionares, like all the petrostate royal families, but they hide their assets enough to stay off of the official lists.
(Halal lending exists, and it's basically our-interest-isn't-interest because we found a random Imam who we convinced to say so. Funny how there's always a loophole, when the rules get really inconvenient for enough believers)
It's interest on a loan, or unfair (high) interest on a loan, depending on where you are.
They don't want poor muslims to be aware of just how much money they have.
can we put these on a deck of playing cards for no particular reason...?
Maybe you can add a score on each one for how much of that they have given away to charity so I can prioritize who I want to eat first.