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Nearly half of CEOs believe AI could replace their own jobs, says new poll—and 47% say it's a good thing

  • I worked IT for a multi million dollars start up. The board members were made up a couple other CEOs from larger companies, and let me tell you. They all are idiots. They read books from other "successful" people and just parrot what they saw on FOX business the night before... "FOX business said firing all your full time well trained and educated staff for part timers so we can save on overhead."

    I shit you not! Before I quit, they fired 40 of our customer service representatives and hired 120 part time reps, only scheduled them 10 to 15 hours a week and turned a huge profit the next quarter. Customer satisfaction was in the tank but simply comping our service for disgruntled customers was still cheaper than the 40 full time employees that kept customers happy. Capitalism baby!

  • I’ll bet $5 we’ll start seeing more CEOs become CVOs, or Chief Visionary Officers, and the current pay for CEOs will switch over to CVOs because AI can’t be a visionary or some bullshit.

  • Translation:

    When AI makes your job redundant, you’ll be unemployed. Fuck you.

    But when AI makes my job redundant, I’ll keep my position and just take more naps and vacations whilst my computer works for me. I may also get a pay rise for my efficiency. Also fuck you.

    I honestly only skimmed the article because I kept getting more and more angry. Is that a fair summary, or am I selling these cunts short?