As one of the suicide bombers in Cory Doctorow's Radicalized -- which coincidentally also explores the idea of ppl getting violently sick with medical insurance providers saying "tnx for the money, now die" -- said, violence is never the answer, as long as you ignore all the fucking human history.
All of human societal structure has ultimately boiled down to might makes right.
All of it.
In our modern civilization we have inserted enough extra steps in between to delude most people into believing that this is no longer the case. But still it is. I have said this nearly verbatim on here before:
Who are the cops? Just guys with guns.
Who are judges? Just guys with access to cops.
Who are politicians? Just guys with access to cops and judges.
Who are the megacorporations? Just guys with access to politicians.
‘Violence is never the solution’ is usually the thing the abuser tells you. Because they know that violence is indeed the thing that gets you actual change more often than not.
Did talking get us out of World War II? No. Are you going to reason with a dictator like Assad, Hussein, Gadaffi, etc? No. Did the French get rid of their oppressive ruling class through vigorous debate? No.
And that’s not even counting how many countries and peoples had to fight themselves free over the centuries.
Violence is not the solution to every problem. But it sure is the only solution for some of them.
Government officials, corpos, and for profit media personalities ALL have details of people with guns ready to rough up or murder others for them as they defend wars (young people murdering young people for old people's power), corporate irresponsibility born out of greed that ends in injury or death, etc.
You can call state or corporate externality based violence/murder different and better if you want. I think that just makes one a gullible sucker.