Google Pixel 8a leaks absurdly early with rounded design
Google Pixel 8a leaks absurdly early with rounded design

The Google Pixel 8a has unexpectedly leaked, revealing a rounded design and slick blue color, but the Pixel 8 isn't even out yet.
![Google Pixel 8a allegedly leaks with rounded design [Gallery]](
Google Pixel 8a leaks absurdly early with rounded design
The Google Pixel 8a has unexpectedly leaked, revealing a rounded design and slick blue color, but the Pixel 8 isn't even out yet.
They're rounding it in the wrong plane. They should make it thicker, with a rounded back that flattens enough to sit without rocking. The Palm Pre, and the Nexus S and original Moto X were spiritual successors in my mind, was designed after how a river stone is pleasant in your hand.
Obviously the phone would have to be smaller, for that to work. But it would also allow a larger battery and flush camera.
There hasn't been any real form factor innovation in a very long time so cycling through the same styles is what we are left with.
Google Pixel 8a leaks absurdly early with absurdly rounded design
This thing looks awful if real.
It seems they are cutting corners, literally.
That's real ugly.
I do wish they'd stuck with the Panda look from the Pixel 2 for a while longer. It was much better looking than the visor.
But as far as "Google" phones go, the Nexus 6P was the best hardware they've had and they've not come close since.
I loved my Nexus 6P. That was a fantastic phone.
The panda look was not unique. I really enjoy the new look. I can tell when someone is using a pixel because the cameras stand out.
Yea it’s a little too rounded.
Don’t get me wrong, soft edges are nice, but the radius needs to be brought in a bit tighter.
I'm positive this is AI generated. I can't believe 9 to 5 Google fell for this.
The 'bump' has a shadow in the two straight-on photos, but the side view shows no height.
The hands holding the phone give it away, too. The fingertips look softened from a filter and don't have any sign of fingerprint ridges while the palm is much more detailed.
They also look too sharp in contrast to the background.
EDIT: The more I look the more I'm convinced. The side photo and the angled photo are completely different in size relative to the hand. The thickness of the palm is much too large, as well.
Damn. Didn't notice this, but that thumb looks inverted.
I just want a phone with decent specs that lies flat on a flat surface. Why is that so hard???
You'd take a hit to camera quality. Get a phone case you wouldn't have to worry.
I'd honestly prefer they just make the battery thicker to match the camera depth. Solve two problems at once.
I don't care. And a phone shouldn't need an accessory to be usable
Those are some durable corners. This will be way harder to damage or crack than the current narrower corners.
I like it. Pity it won't have a headphone jack and SD card slot....
bezels are thick!
Is there any chance it's a compact (<6") size?
Rounded huh that's her. Going to look the exact same with my phone case on it... We don't need one every fucking year Google